Check the Pay Out Rate As You Compare Women's Car Insurance
For ladies looking to compare women's car insurance one of your key concerns is always going to be the price of insurance. In the hunt for cheaper car insurance you can find some excellent deals which can save you a lot of money.
Finding the cheapest insurer is not always the best way forward though. Using online price comparison sites can certainly help you compare women's car insurance prices but what you really need to compare is how often an insurance company pays out on claims.
All too often, this factor is overlooked to the disappointment of customers expecting to receive compensation from their insurer. The truth is that insurance claims are exactly that, a claim, not a right. Not all insurance claims are paid as there are a number of mitigating circumstances where insurers can declare the contract void.
An obvious example is with alcohol. If a driver is found to be driving under the influence of alcohol then some insurance companies will declare their contract with the driver void and will not pay for an insurance claim. This is only right and proper if the driver has been drinking over the legal limit (three units of alcohol in the UK) but some insurance companies will refuse to pay even if damage has occurred and the driver is under the legal limit.
What is essential in these circumstances is to check the small print of the insurance contract carefully. As a useful indicator, when you come to compare women's car insurance, it's always a good idea to check the pay out rate of the insurer. Does the insurance company refuse to pay 20 per cent of all claims? If so, you have a one-in-five chance of getting nothing from your insurance company.
If an insurer has a particularly strong pay out record, they will probably want to shout about it as part of their advertising. However, you can usually find out more about pay out rates from the ""About Us"" tag on an insurance company's website. If you can't find the information you are looking for, then send the company an email or give them a call to find out. Armed with this information, you'll be much better equipped to compare women's car insurance on a level playing field.