Car Insurance: How To Choose The Best Plan For You
Everyone that drives or owns a car needs car insurance. If you turn on the television, chances are you won't be able to watch for very long without hearing a pitch from one of their companies. But choosing your plan shouldn't come down to whether you like the guy from 24 better than the gecko. You need to be cognizant of the information necessary to make a good, intelligent decision that will be right for you and your driving habits. If you learn the following things, you will be a lot closer to making a good decision.
First things first. You need to know what you're shopping for before you can make a decision about what to buy. Car insurance comes in two basic types of coverage. First person coverage is all about you. In many states, this type of car insurance is optional. This coverage will make sure your medical bills are taken care of in the event of a serious accident. It will also cover the cost of repairing your vehicle should you need it. The other type of coverage is usually mandatory and is referred to as third party coverage. This is the type of coverage that will come into play when paying for the medical bills and property damage you might cause to others.
Think about your means and determine how much you want your deductible to be. A deductible is basically how much money you will have to spend out of pocket before your car insurance kicks in. For instance, if your deductible is $500 and you get into a $1,000 accident, you will have to pay half the bill and your insurance company will pay for the other half. A lower deductible means you will be paying a higher premium. The premium is the amount you have to pay on a monthly (or sometimes a different interval, such as six months) basis to retain your coverage. A higher deductible means you'll be paying less on a regular basis but will have to pay more when you have an accident.
Finally, take advantage of the enormous amount of information you have at your fingertips. At no other point in history have people had as much easily accessible information as you do, thanks to the internet. Go online, compare public quotes, research reputations, and find out how much you should be expecting to spend on your car insurance. When you are ready to sign with a company, you can be sure you exhausted all your options.