Cheap Car Insurance - Its There Just For the Asking
These days the cost of insuring your car can really be staggering, and in these uncertain economic times, getting the best deal on your motor insurance can be absolutely vital in saving that little bit extra. Insurance companies take many factors into account when they assess your request for a quote, including where you live, your credit rating, what kind of car car you have, and how old you are. The problem is you can't really control these things, so it can be a real problem when it comes to reducing your car insurance premiums.
However, strange though it may seem, one of first things you should consider doing is simply asking your current insurance provider for a discount. This approach may seem absurd at first thought, but it really isn't as ludicrous as it sounds. For a start it is vital to bear in mind that all insurance companies, no matter how big or small, value your custom very highly and will go to some lengths to keep you as a customer.
With this in mind, there are a number of factors which may help you gain some leverage over your insurance company when going about asking for a discount on your policy:
Firstly, consider how long you have insured your car or vehicle with the same company. If you have been a loyal customer with them for 5-10 years, there is a good chance they will look favourably on this and reward your loyalty with a small discount. Some insurers offer this as standard Have a look at your policy and see what your insurance provider has to say about this.
Next up, you should think about how many times you have claimed on your insurance in the past. Most insurers offer a no-claims-bonus as standard that should tot up a small discount each year. If your car insurance does not provide this discount, then you should definitely switch providers unless you think your current premiums are unbeatable.
The factor that can often do most to get you cheaper car insurance is whether you have more than one vehicle insured with the same company. If you do, or if you have several vehicles with different providers that could be moved to a single policy, then you could also be in line for a multi-car discount. All the best car insurance providers now offer a multi car discount, so if yours doesn't then its either time to switch policies, or get onto them and demand a discount.
This last point can also apply to non-vehicle insurance; if you have home contents, life, or pet insurance with a single company, then you should be able to receive at least some sort of discount.
It Doesn't Hurt To Ask
Remember, the ball is very much in your court with this - your insurance company will do everything it can to secure your future custom, so get a few quotes from different companies, and then get in touch with your own provider to ask for a discount - they should be able to match or better any quote you put to them. Otherwise, as both you and they know, you can simply go elsewhere.