Lower Your Car Insurance With A Homeowner's Insurance Policy
When you purchase a home, there are many things to think about. Not only do you have to decide how much house you can afford, but you also have to select a lender to go with to provide your loan. In addition to that, you have to look at the amount of money you need for such things as closing costs and the down payment. If you need a bright spot to focus on, you should know that your car insurance premiums will go down when you add a homeowner's insurance policy with the same car insurance company.
However, this may not happen automatically unless you actually talk with your car insurance agent to make sure that you get all of the discounts you are entitled to. It is always a good idea to talk with an agent to be sure that they understand when the new homeowner's policy will be in effect and find out exactly how much it will affect your auto insurance. Just like getting a discount when you have a multi-car policy, homeowner's insurance and even renter's insurance can help your auto insurance premium costs drop.
Purchasing a home is a big decision, and you have to figure in many things in order to actually get to the point where you are ready to do that. Purchasing a car is generally much less stressful, although it is also a big decision. It is important to understand that whenever you make a large investment in anything, you need to be aware of all the things that will add cost to what you are doing, as well as the things that can help reduce costs. This can help to make your decision easier to make as well as better for you in the long run.
Both a house and a car are usually financed through the bank, but with a car you are usually only taking out a 5 year loan, while with a house you extend the term out for 30 years so that you can afford the payments. Both homes and cars require such things as sales tax, and you will need homeowner's insurance just like you need car insurance; in fact, it will be a requirement of the lender that you have insurance if you want to be able to get the loan whether it is for a house or for a car.
Getting a car loan is a great experience that can actually help you prepare for the time when you are ready to get a home loan. You will talk to different lenders and determine which one is best for you. You will learn how to make regular payments on a monthly basis and how to keep making those payments on time so that you can build your credit score. Your experiences with auto insurance will also help you understand the insurance policy on your home better. You will have had the experience of shopping around for the best insurance prices and you will have learned how to understand an insurance policy to some extent. Knowing that you can lower your car insurance payment when you add your homeowner's insurance is a good thing.