Luahan sayu oleh Abdul Rahman terhadap arwah ibunya yang tular di laman sosial ini ternyata menyentuh emosi ramai. Pemergian ibu tersayang secara tiba-tiba hanya kerana pengsan amat perit untuk diterima. Lebih meruntun hati, ibunya sempat memasakkan juadah terakhir nasi lemak buat anak-anak.
Betapa besar kasih ibu ayah, tak terbalas oleh anak-anak hingga ke akhir hayat. Berbaktilah kepada mereka selagi jasad dikandung badan. Buat allahyarham ibunya, Sariah Binti Fatah, moga ditempatkan dalam kalangan orang beriman. Amin!
Pagi terakhir sebelum mak pergi menemui penciptanya..
Mak dah masak nasi lemak dengan sambal telur.. dalam pkul 11 dapat panggilan yang mak dah tak der.. so aku pon balik lah ke bp dari kl.. smpai bp dalam pkol 1 lebih gitu lah.. time tu jenazah kat hospital bp.. untuk di mandi dan di kapan kan..
Petang dalam pukul 3 jenazah mak di bawak ke rumah untuk di lihat buat kali terakhir.. time bukak ikatan kain kafan aku nampak yang dalam bungkusan tu adalah mak aku.. aku tak dapat nak tahan air mata yang tersangat lah sedih…
Lepas tu sembayang kan kat surau dan di kebumi kan.. setel semua sebelum maghrib macam tulah.. kat rumah mak rasa lapar pulak.. bukak tudung saji ada nasi lemak dengan sambal telur.. aku tahu ni masakan terakhir mak.. aku cedok dan bahagi sorang sikit adik-beradik..

Mak jujur aku rindu, mak halalkan makan minum aku.. mak ampun kan dosa aku kat mak.. mak terima kasih besar kan aku.. mak terima kasih lahir kan aku..
Cheapest Car Insurance For Women
Are you looking to find the cheapest car insurance for women? In this latest article, you will discover some golden tips to getting the best prices and quotes for car insurance - yes, even if you are a woman!
There are several options available to you. You can go through a insurer who is a general insurer who insures everyone, however, there is also the option of going through a specialist insurer who specializes in providing insurance for women.
The results of both can either save or cost you money. Generally, I have found that going through a specialist, you can find better insurance quotes.
However, you still need to research, and you can find some amazing quotes. So, invest the time and you can find the best.
There are all different car insurance companies out there, so more prices you get, the more likely you are to find the cheapest options.
To make this work, you need to go through some methods of research. You can search easily through auto magazines, and find some options. Television advertisements often are aimed at car insurance, so you may just come across the best option.
Another place to consider looking, is online. As this is not something that needs traveling to, you can rest assured that if you find the best prices, you can get the insurance online from a company on the other end of the country, and still get the best options.
With so many different options, you can be sure to go forward, and get the best options with the research.
You only need to find a handful of quotes to make this work. The results can be immense, and you can literally save hundreds, which makes this research well worth your time.