Walau beberapa saudaranya mengaku belum tahu kabar pernikahan itu, fakta terbaru diungkap Lurah Pasir Gunung Selatan, Kecamatan Cimanggis, Depok, Aselih. Dia memastikan bahwa rumor Ahok akan menikah dengan Bripda Puput Nastiti Devi adalah benar adanya.
Haseli memastikan dokumen pernikahan sudah selesai di tingkat kelurahan. Dia juga memastikan proses pernikahan itu sudah berproses di Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA). Hanya saja, dia mengaku tidak tahu jadwal pernikahannya.
"Diurus ke kelurahan seminggu lalu lah. Kalau kapan (nikah) itu KUA yang ngurusin," ungkap Aselih, Rabu (23/1//2019).
Dia juga menjelaskan bahwa dokumen pernikahan itu diurus orang tua Puput. "Orang tuanya lah, pihak perempuan. Puput nggak (ikut)," katanya.
Aselih juga memastikan bahwa calon pengantin pria yang akan mempersunting Puput adalah Ahok. "Iya artinya kan suaminya Ahok. Yang menandatangani ceweknya, bukan Ahok," bebernya.
Terkait isu bahwa Ahok akan masuk Islam sebelum menikah, Aselih mengungkap fakta sebaliknya. Informasi yang dia peroleh, Bripda Puput yang akan berpindah agama ke Kristen.
"Maaf nih kayaknya Kristen dah, kayaknya Kristen, dari yang saya tanda tanganin, bahasanya ceweknya ikut Ahok lah," tutupnya.
Sementara itu, cawapres nomor urut 02 Sandiaga Uno mendoakan yang terbaik untuk eks gubernur DKI Jakarta itu.
"Saya nggak terlalu ingin berkomentar, tetapi tentunya sebagai mantan mitra dalam berdemokrasi, ya saya doakan dia yang terbaik," singkat Sandiaga.
Menkum HAM Yasonna H Laoly menyebut Ahok bebas pada Kamis (24/1/2019 dari Mako Brimob. Pembebasan Ahok dilakukan saat jam kerja. Ahok sendiri memilih bebas setelah mendapat potongan resmi masa hukuman pidana alias tak mengambil bebas bersyarat.
"Saya mau janganlah dibesar-besarkan. Biasa saja orang keluar dari lapas, kok. Napi yang sudah melewatinya tidak mau menggunakan hak PB-nya. Dia mau betul-betul ini karena beberapa mungkin pertimbangan pribadi," ujar Yasonna.
Query Shoot on Car Insurance
Frequently asked questions by customers regarding car insurance are compiled with answers from top ranking companies who have achieved good track records. The queries are answered by general guidelines of companies and their policies. Major regulations are governed by the states like United States where it is mandatory to have insurance for drivers and car owners. The rules are rather stringent and differ from state to state. There are some states which offer minimum liability
Does every car owner require having insurance?
Yes, every state requires that you have a liability insurance to pay the losses to the victim in case of accidents. Even the states, it is mandatory that you require proof of financial responsibility to pay for any damage.
What is the specific coverage of an individual?
There are three types of coverage - the good, fair and best. It is always advisable to buy the one that suits your needs and your pocket. But buying the best package will be the sound advice.
What is the cheapest insurance coverage?
There is no cheapest coverage offered by any company. In fact every one offer Uniform rates, it is the coverage that differs according to customers requirement. The minimum premium depends on the driving history and the financial credibility of the individual.
What is the road factor that determines premium?
If your mileage increases above the stipulated limit then you are in the risk of being prone to accidents. Therefore you will not be liable to any discounts on the premium.
Does the model of the car, hike the premium?
Yes, a brand new luxurious car will hold a high premium because replacement of any part damaged in an accident will cost more. Moreover a chance of burglary and theft is very high.
Do you need to have car insurance before buying a car?
You will need a insurance cover if it is your first car that you are driving out. More over if it is a financed car the lender will require a cover on the Purchase.
If you are replacing your car then the company has to be informed within 30 days. The premium will be calculated according to the new model. If there is an addition then the rules vary from companies to companies, but they have to be notified.