Pakar Perubatan Alternatif Terkenal Malaysia Ditahan Di Indonesia, Media Dakwa Langgar Visa Melancong

Pihak berkuasa imigrasi Indonesia di Palembang, Indonesia telah menahan pakar perubatan alternatif terkenal di Malaysia, Dato’ Chris Leong dan rombongannya seramai 20 orang didakwa kerana telah melanggar peraturan visa pelancong mereka dengan menjalankan rawatan secara tidak sah kepada penduduk tempatan tanpa izin.
Media Indonesia yang melaporkan insiden itu memberitahu bahawa beliau menjalankan aktiviti itu semasa serbuan dibuat di sebuah hotel 4 bintang di Palembang.
Seramai 16 orang rakyat Malaysia, 2 warga Hong Kong, seorang warga Ireland dan seorang warga Belgium ditahan ketika serbuan dilakukan. Kesemua mereka didakwa merupakan sukarelawan yang berkerja di bawah agensi Chris Leong yang berpengkalan di Malaysia.

Walau bagaimanapun, penangkapan itu telah membuatkan rata-rata pelanggannya risau kerana telah melangsaikan sejumlah wang bagi mendapatkan rawatan.  Namun pun begitu, Chris dalam satu status Facebook miliknya memberitahu bahawa bayaran balik akan dilaksanakan.

“Kami tahu anda prihatin. Mohon maaf bahawa lawatan ke Jakarta dan Surabaya telah dibatalkan. Kami akan memproses pengembalian wang kembali kepada anda. Tolong beri kami sedikit masa. Anda akan menerima teks atau email dari kami segera. Maaf untuk segala kesulitan.”

Sumber: Tribun News

Auto Insurance Quotes - Choosing The Best Companies People have a natural tendency to equate the best deals with the one that are the cheapest. However, this is not true for car insurance and it certainly is not true for cheapest car insurance quote online. When comparing different quotes, the price should be the determining factor only if all other factors have been considered and analyzed. The price apart, there are many other factors which helps us analyze and conclude whether we have a quote from a reputed insurer in our hands or not. Only The Good Ones The last thing you would want is for your claim to be rejected because your insurer does not have sufficient funds to pay up. Hence, it is very important to choose an insurance company which is financially stable and secure. You should never ignore this factor when obtaining insurance for your car. If your insurer is an unscrupulous operator who cheats people of their hard earned money, you may end up becoming personally responsible to pay up for any accident that your car is involved in. This mistake has the potential of destroying your finances. Before Taking The Final Decision, Research Hence, you should never take a final decision without obtaining the views of others who have already dealt with the company in the past. There are many private entities that rate different insurers on the basis of different of factors. Price is not the only factor as coverage options and quality of service is also considered. Obtain reports from Consumer Reports, A.M Best Company, J.D. Power and Associates etc to secure your investment and future. Private entities apart, your State will have a Department in charge of Insurance activities. Just log on to their website and obtain information about various insurers that have been permitted to do business in your state. The Department of Insurance Any complaint against any insurance company must go to the Department of Insurance. Further, the department is in charge of ensuring compliance with all legal regulations. The web site will contain information about the track record of various insurers in respect of compliance of laws and satisfaction of customers. It is easy to glibly say that the price is not the most important factor. While other factors are relevant and important, you certainly cannot afford to opt for a plan that is beyond your ability to pay. Try to get a plan that offers you the best of all factors including the price. Narrow down your search on the basis of other factors before taking a final decision on the basis of cost of insurance.
