Dibongkar Lurah Setempat, Ternyata Ini Agama yang Dianut Puput, Calon Istri Ahok

Kabar bahagia sebantar lagi akan dirasakan oleh Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, alias Ahok. Karena selain dirinya sudah bebas dari penjara, tak lama lagi Ahok akan menikahi seorang gadis cantik bernama Puput. Puput sendiri merupakan seorang Polwan.
Kabar keduanya akan menikah terus berhembus kencang. Sedangakn isu pernikahan Ahok dan Puput pertama kali diungkap oleh politikus PDIP yang juga sahabat Ahok, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi.

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Prasetyo mengatakan jika kemungkinan besar resepsi pernikahan Ahok akan digelar di Jakarta atau Nganjuk, Jawa Timur, tempat asal Puput. Namun seiring kabar pernikahan keduanya, ada isu lain yang menyebut jika Puput telah pindah keyakinan?
Benarkah? Lalu agama apa yang dianut Puput sebelumnya?
Demi ingin menghilang penasaran. kemudian awak media mendatangi kantor Kelurahan Pasir Gunung Selatan, Depok. Nah di sana, awak media berhasil menemui Aslih Sinten, selaku Lurah Pasir Gunung Selatan.

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Aslih Sinten pun membeberkan jika berkas pernikahan sudah didaftarkan oleh keluarga Puput di kantor Kelurahan Pasir Gunung Selatan, Depok. Dan dalam berkas tersebut, tertulis agama Puput, yakni bergama Kristen.
Aslih Sinten juga menyebut kalau Puput telah pindah keyakinan dari muslim ke Kristen, sesuai dengan agama yang dianut Ahok.
"Ya gitu kayaknya, ikut (agama) Ahok, Kristen, jadi Kristen. Kayaknya pindah agama dari muslim ke ikut Ahok itu. Saya mah sesuai dengan di berkas saja," ungkap Aslih Sinten, dilansir dari kumparan, Kamis (24/1/19).

Referensi pihak ketiga
Aslih Sinten menambahkan kalau keluarga Puput mendaftarkan pernikahanya pada 17 Januari yang lalu. Dan berkas tersebut, Aslih sendiri yang menandatanganinya. Berkas itu sendiri nanti akan diserahkan ke lembaga keagamaan untuk proses selanjutnya.
"Kan saya menyampaikan itu agamanya sudah beda. Orang tuanya yang perempuan (Bripda Puput) yang ngurus. Bapaknya saja yang ngurus," pungkas Aslih.

How to Find Affordable Classic Auto Insurance If you are the owner of a classic car, you know that you are owning a piece of history, one that can't be replaced. The problem is that your present auto insurance company thinks it can be replaced, and not at its real value. Owning a classic car comes with a lot of problems, and finding affordable classic auto insurance is just one of them. There are several values for your classic automobile. There is the value that it has to you. There is the value that it has in the ""blue book"" as simply an old car. Then, there is the collector's value, or what it could be sold at to a collector or in an auction. This is the price that your car needs to be insured for, but many insurance companies will not give you that kind of coverage. When you own a classic car, you are in fact, the perfect driver. You are probably more careful with that car than a normal owner would be, and you probably don't drive it much, either. There are some classic car owners who never drive their cars at all! They take them on a trailer from car show to car show, their tires never hitting the road. So, for these drivers, you would think that affordable classic auto insurance would be easy to find - but it's not. If you are looking for classic auto insurance and want your car fully insured to the collector's value, then you should start by looking online at companies that specialize in this type of insurance. Not all mainstream car insurance companies will want to deal with you, but by shopping online, you should be able to find at least a few with which you can compare prices. You've put a lot of time, love, and money into that car, so make sure that it is fully insured.
