Menjelang kebebasan, akun instagram @basukibtp yang dikelola oleh tim BTP memberikan informasi siaran langsung detik-detik bebasnya Ahok. Ahok dijemput oleh putra sulungnya Sean
Mengutip akun @basukibtp, kebebasan Ahok alias BTP akan disiarkan secara langsung di chanel Youtube 'Panggil Saya BTP.

Baru saja 2 hari bebas, Ahok sudah
memecahkan dunia peryoutuban tanah air. Video vlog yang berjudul BTP
VLOG #1- PULANG, menampilkan ahok dan sean sedang menuju jalan pulang.
Video tersebut di upload 24 januari 2019, namun sudah mendapat 406 ribu
subscribe dan 1.6 juta view lebih. Meskipun channel tersebut sudah ada
sejak lama, namun baru aktif setelah ahok bebas.
Referensi pihak ketiga
video tersebut, ahok banyak bercerita kepada sean tentang cerita
kehidupannya dalam penjara. Mulai dari pemangkas rambut di mako brimob
hingga pemberian cincin ajaib yang dapat berubah warna sendiri ketika
terkena air.
Instant Car Insurance Quote - You'll Be Shocked When You Compare Car Insurance Quotes Online
The days have changed and now you can go an get an instant car insurance quote online and see what your saving could be. It used to be you needed a complete day to shop around for the best rate and make many phone calls. I can recall trying to get the best deal with car insurance and spending countless hours on the phone. Now, you can submit for an instant car insurance quote online in under 2 minutes and see what you will be saving.
For those who ever questioned anyone with regards to their own car indemnity policies, a number of people may tell you that they have been with their independent specialist for so long that individuals tend to be almost good friends. Some people will probably discuss that they are consumers of a big nationwide organization, and that they have by no means actually spoken with a consultant over the scope of his or her term.
If you ask these customers exactly how they elected their particular insurance provider, this response varies, too. There are many people that established their particular selection on a positive recommendation made by a colleague or perhaps family member, and other folks who basically went with a sizable name insurance firm according to commercials they observed or heard on the the airwaves.
The more essential question is this: did these people compare car insurance quotes before they determined which company was going to insure them? In case they didn't, some people are probably in for a surprise if they at any time choose to evaluate car insurance quotes from some other insurers. Those who are insured through regional brokers think that they are really having the very best rates considering that the brokerage that they deal with is independent and sets their own costs.
The simplest way to do this, naturally, is to evaluate car insurance quotes by performing an internet search for policies. Nearly all indemnity providers gives potential clients a list of quotes from many other companies on their own website. If the individual does not have faith in that the answers offered to them is truthful, they're able to always visit the competing provider's webpage and learn independently. Acquiring quotes in this way enables the person the flexibility to research prices without feeling guilty regarding inquiring about this competitive material from a live person or feeling obligated to buy from an independent broker that they personally already know.
Customers who really do not take some time to compare car insurance quotes may well be wasting money paying for an insurance plan which they may have gotten at a dramatically reduced price. There is no precise rhyme or reason behind which organizations offer reduced prices. Investing in a policy from a huge company that covers lots of people doesn't necessarily indicate that the rate connected to that plan shall be lower than one you can purchase from a new brokerage around the corner from your residence that only insures a hundred clients.
Consequently, finding the very best price for the protection you need isn't going to be done based on the size or popularity of an insurance company. People are going online and getting an instant car insurance quote and realizing they've been paying too much. When you compare car insurance quotes from small and large indemnity providers online, you give yourself the opportunity to see all that there is offered to you and the chance to get the cheapest rates.