2 Prajurit Kembali Meregang Nyawa Di Tangan OPM, TNI Gelar Operasi Militer Besar-Besaran?

Berita duka kembali datang dari Papua setelah dua anggota TNI dikabarkan meregang nyawa akibat sergapan dan serangan sporadis oleh Kelompok Kriminal Separatis Bersenjata (KKSB) atau Organisai Papua Merdeka di Tingginambut, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya, Papua hari Minggu pada 19 Agustus 2018 silam. Serangan ini mendapat kecaman dari berbagai pihak karena pada saat itu, dua anggota TNI yang diserang, Letda Inf Amran Blegur dan Pratu Fredi sedang dalam misi sosial untuk membagikan makanan kepada anak-anak yang ada di wilayah Tingginambut.

Ilustrasi, sumber: https://www.beritabertuah.com
Serangan membabi buta OPM mengakibatkan kedua anggota TNI yang tewas ini mengalami luka tembak dan luka tusuk. Mendengar kabar tersebut Panglima Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih, Mayjen TNI George E Supit marah besar dan langsung menginstruksikan jajaran Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih untuk segera mengejar dan menumpas OPM yang yang kembali bersembunyi di belantara hutan pedalaman Papua. TNI nampaknya hanya merespon, bukannya mencegah agar serangan serupa tak terjadi lagi di masa mendatang.
Setelah diserang OPM barulah TNI melakukan tindakan, jika pola seperti ini terus berulang, nampaknya akan sangat sulit memberantas gerakan separatis ini. Namun apakah operasi militer besar-besaran untuk membasmi OPM sampai ke akar-akarnya sudah sangat mendesak dan harus dilakukan sekarang? menurut admin masih belum. Kenapa? karena hal tersebutlah yang ditunggu-tunggu OPM sedari dulu. Terus bagaimana? Pemerintah Indonesia bersama TNI harus mampu mengekspos perilaku brutal dan kekejaman OPM ke dunia luar.

Setiap bukti kebrutalan dan keganasan yang ditinggalkan oleh OPM harus segera disebarkan, disiarkan dan di dokumentasikan untuk menunjukkan bahwa OPM adalah gerakan pemberontakan, bukan gerakan perjuangan yang seperti selama ini mereka teriakkan. Dengan adanya bukti-bukti ini, Pemerintah Indonesia akan berpeluang besar menarik simpati dan dukungan dari dunia Internasional untuk memberantas OPM sampai ke akar-akarnya.

Setelah simpati dunia mengalir, pemerintah bisa 'berpura-pura' lemah dan meminta bantuan dari negara lain agar mengerahkan militernya dalam upaya pemberantasan OPM. Ini hanyalah kedok supaya aksi 'pembasmian' OPM dapat berjalan lebih mulus, karena dukungan militer dari negara lain akan mampu membangun kepercayaan dunia internasional bahwa gerakan separatis yang ditumpas memang sudah sangat membahayakan keutuhan NKRI. Bila sudah begini, operasi militer besar-besaran bisa dilakukan dengan leluasa oleh TNI, bahkan dengan dukungan dari dunia internasional, bagaimana pendapatmu?


Ensure You're Always Insured With Short Term Car Insurance It's illegal in Britain to drive a car without insurance, yet every year thousands of people will attempt to beat the system by driving a car while either waiting for their cover to begin, or by simply thinking they don't need any cover because they are overly confident in their driving skills. Short term car insurance can allow you to be covered on a car for as little as 24 hours; this means that you have no excuses for driving when not covered. Car insurance is important as it has you covered for any losses, damages an injuries caused by road traffic accidents. At any time a police officer, or any other public official, can request that you present them with your insurance certificate; you will be given seven days to take it to your local police station should you not have it with you. If you are not covered, not only are you in breach of the law, but you'll also find yourself having to pay out a large amount of money should you be found responsible. People who have been ordered by the high court to pay out in the past have found themselves having to sell family heirlooms and even their homes in order to pay the cost. Many people feel that they won't need any car insurance provided they drive carefully, forgetting that other drivers on the road may be driving recklessly; after all, they're called accidents because nobody means for them to happen and they are unexpected. Simply driving carefully does not give you the cover that having car insurance would. With increasing numbers of people, particularly students, opting to go on long road trips it's wise to have more than one person insured on the car that they'll be travelling. Not only will this ease the burden on the would-be only driver as they can drive in shifts, but it also covers the possibility of the driver getting severely injured and being unable to drive. Short term car insurance is ideal here as the cover can last as long as you would like and you don't have to worry about paying to be able to drive the car when you don't actually need to. Short term car insurance can also be ideal in an emergency if, for instance, you need to travel to your family in a crisis but your car is in the garage, you have the option of borrowing a friend's car. Longer term policies can take a few days in order to clear whereas short term policies start immediately so you won't have to worry about asking to be driven to where you're needed or having to use public transport, which can often take longer than driving. It's important to be insured on any vehicle you're driving, as you could have your licence revoked, be given a large fine and even be sent to prison.
