Car Insurance for Teenage Drivers for Cheap in 2011
If you are a parent of a teenage driver you know how expensive insuring your young driver can be. The fact of the matter is teenage drivers lack driving experience, and they tend to take risks when it comes to driving. Combine those two factors and the result is not cheap insurance.
Not all hope is lost. There are ways you can reduce the cost of car insurance for teenage drivers. One of the most important ways to save money is to shop around. It is advisable to search online for free insurance quotes. Comparing rates online is much quicker than calling around and you can compare quotes side by side.
If you currently have a family car insurance policy then it may be cheapest to add your teenage driver to your existing policy. This is not always the case, but generally carriers will extend a discount to you for multiple policies. Once again, I advise that you shop around to confirm you are receiving the best deal.
One of the chief concerns of insurance companies is, not only the lack of driving experience of young drivers, but the lack of responsibility. There are several ways a teenager can exhibit responsibility, not the least of which is maintaining good grades in school. If a young person maintains a B average or better, it goes a long ways to illustrating that they are taking life seriously.
Then there is the teenager's lack of driving experience. A good way to receive a discount from an insurance company is to take (and pass) an accredited drivers safety class. Many times carriers will extend a significant discount based on the completion of a drivers safety course.
Of course we all know that insurance premiums are higher on more expensive cars, but it doesn't stop there. There are a myriad of factors that go into setting rates for different vehicles. Sports cars will cost A LOT to insure for a teenager. Safety features are another factor that insurers take into consideration. If a car has airbags, shoulder seat belts and anti-lock brakes, these all help to reduce your rates. You can also add safety features, such as a fire extinguisher. The rule of thumb is, the safer the vehicle, the lower the premiums.
Drive safely! That is the key to finding cheap car insurance for teenage drivers. If your young driver obeys the rules of the road and doesn't receive any tickets then the premiums should go down. If after a year of trouble free driving your insurance carrier doesn't extend a discount it is time to shop around!
I would like to end this article by emphasizing that shopping around really is the key to finding the cheapest insurance possible. There are many reputable online insurance sites that offer free insurance quote comparisons. Make sure you use accurate information and always provide your real contact information. By comparing multiple carriers you know you're finding the beast rate possible, and remember, if your insurance company doesn't offer a discount after a year of ticket and accident free driving, it's time to shop around.