Sebab tu lah kalau boleh korang jenguk-jenguk sikit dapur restoran atau mamak favourite korang tu supaya tak jadi macam perkongsian kat bawah ni.
“Siapa suka lepak mamak? Tukang uli capati ni ada luka berkudis…” Patutlar Sedap
Menerusi posting Aidil Nezam di Facebook, dia yang merupakan seorang jurugambar telah mengikuti satu operasi (tak didedahkan ops apa) bersama wartawan lain kat sebuah kedai mamak.Jenguk saja ke dapur kedai mamak tu, Aidil ni terkejut apabila mendapati jari tukang uli capati yang diimport dari India ni rupanya ada luka berkudis. Allahuuu terbantut selera admin nak breakfast capati!
“Siapa suka lepak mamak? Ni ha untuk tatapan korang semua… tukang uli capati ni datang dari India (warga asing). Tengok jari dia ada luka berkudis..”

“Itulah sebabnya aku tak suka makan mamak. Roti canai or whatever. Geli nak mati weh!”
Perkongsian ni mendapat perhatian netizen yang rata-ratanya memang kembang tekak dan geli geleman. Ada jugak yang beritahu inilah sebabnya mereka tidak lagi berkunjung ke mamak. Makanan di sana tak terjamin kualiti kebersihannya.
Sumber: Facebook
Beringatlah ye korang semua! Sebelum nak makan kat satu-satu restoran tu tak kiralah mamak atau lain-lain, periksa dulu keadaan sekeliling dan kalau boleh jenguklah keadaan dapurnya bersih ataupun tidak. Bab makan ni jangan main-main. Kalau dah sakit takde gunanya.
Sumber: Lobak Merah
Surprising Ways How You Can Save Money on Car Insurance
Normally whenever we hear sales people say a product or service is cheap we interpret what the sales person is saying to mean two things. One is that the products price is low when compared relatively to other similar products in the market. Secondly, we also interpret the word cheap to mean of lower quality or standard whenever we hear it. It is human nature to associate value with price. We also assume that if something is good or better than the rest then it will be more expensive than its competitors. These higher costs will come as a result of higher demand of the cost of production or because of the cost of running an excellent service.
Fortunately the auto insurance industry is one of the exceptions in regard to this rule. A cheap insurance quotes does not necessarily mean poorer quality of service in fact it may mean the opposite. It is important to note that the bigger and better the insurance companies the more discounts and cheaper quotes they give. Since every single state requires motorists to have auto insurance, it should be of no surprise that this has created a large insurance market and thus many insurance companies have turned into large corporations.
As a result of having larger revenues these insurance companies have come up with more efficient and effective ways of running their businesses. In turn this efficiency in their operations has resulted in you capitalizing on this by receiving much lower rates than if they were smaller organizations. Many of these larger insurance companies have more complex ways of calculating risk. As a result they can personalize policies and quotes to suit each individual policy holder thus giving you more opportunities for discount and lower rates.
In summary: larger insurance companies have lower rates because of being more efficient and effective in the way they run their business.