WHR merupakan penanda aras yang mengukur tahap kegembiraan rakyat di sesuatu negara. Setiap tahun, WHR mengeluarkan senarai laporan 156 buah negara mengikut tahap kegembiraan dengan 117 daripadanya diukur berdasarkan tahap kegembiraan kumpulan imigran di sesuatu negara.
Berdasarkan senarai yang boleh dimuat turun daripada World Happiness Report (WHR) 2018, Malaysia disenaraikan pada kedudukan ke-35 dunia dengan skor sebanyak 6.322, satu anak tangga di belakang Singapura yang memperoleh skor sebanyak 6.343.
Satu lagi negara Asia Tenggara yang berjaya memasuki senarai 10 negara paling gembira di Asia iaitu Thailand berada pada kedudukan ke-46 dunia setelah memperoleh skor sebanyak 6.072.
WHR 2018 menyenaraikan tiga buah negara Scandinavia di kedudukan tiga teratas dengan Finland menerajui carta (7.632) diikuti Norway (7.594) dan Denmark (7.555).
Manakala Emiriah Arab Bersatau (UAE) menjadi negara Asia paling gembira setelah berjaya menduduki kedudukan ke-20 dengan skor sebanyak 6.774. Di kedudukan kedua merupakan negara Taiwan dengan skor 6.441 dan kedudukan ke-26 dunia. Qatar merupakan negara ketiga paling gembira di Asia dan ke-32 dunia setelah memperoleh skor 6.374.
Burundi menjadi negara paling tidak gembira di dunia iaitu pada kedudukan terakhir setelah memperoleh skor sebanyak 2.905.
Sumber: World Happiness ReportHappiest countries in Asia.
1. UAE
2. Taiwan
3. Qatar
4. Saudi
5. Singapore
6. Malaysia
7. Bahrain
8. Uzbekistan
9. Kuwait
10. Thailand
11. Japan
12. South Korea
13. Russia
14. Turkmenistan
15. Philippines
16. Turkey
17. Pakistan
18. Tajikistan
19. China
20. Azerbaijan
Gonna Buy Car Insurance? - Things You Must Keep in Mind
After gathering all the information about car insurance and insurance companies, you are all set to buy car insurance. But wait a minute, you must have acquired information about the insurance estimate, insurance cover types and some other technical terms but until now, you do not know which company you should hire to buy car insurance. Keep in mind that insurance is an important matter. Never ever take it lightly or for-granted because one wrong decision can put you in great trouble and difficulty afterward.
One thing is very clear that you must be looking for an insurance company who does not cost much and provides you the best services. You do not want to sacrifice the service for cost. But which company would provide you the best cost along with the best service. Is it really possible at all? Yes, it is but you must have right information regarding all things and you can find this information in this article.
Never ever get trapped by those 'ghost' companies which disappear after getting insurance fees from you. So before you buy car insurance, make sure that you are not relying on those companies for the security of your car. But how can you protect yourself from getting trapped? The answer is very simple. Read complete customer reviews about any company you are going to hire for buying your car insurance. After all, previous customers can guide you better from their past experience.
Another practice that is fairly common and very helpful is hiring an insurance broker before you buy car insurance. An insurance broker is an adept insurance expert who works only for you and not for the insurance companies. He can save you from any hidden charges which insurance companies keep on hiding from you while dealing with you. Moreover insurance broker, if hired, can help you in the selection of the right insurance company for your insurance. But you must be very careful about hiring insurance brokers because nowadays there are many scam artists and frauds in the disguise of insurance broker. Hire that insurance broker who seems satisfactory for you. Keep on searching for the right one if you are not satisfied with anyone.
So when you go to buy car insurance, it wont be a difficult task anymore. Just shrug-off any worries and scurries about buying insurance and follow the tips mentioned in this article, you are ready to take a plunge - ready to buy car insurance.