The Cost of Young Driver's Car Insurance
There are more young drivers on the road today, even though the cost of insuring a vehicle, particularly for the under twenty fives, can be extremely expensive. Research tends to suggest that young drivers and especially those who are newly qualified are often required to pay much higher premiums than would be the case with a more seasoned driver because they are involved in more road traffic accidents.
If you have recently passed your driving test and you are looking to insure your first car, it might be possible to have it on your parent's policy with you as named driver. If it isn't possible to put you on a parent's insurance then it may be worth your while to take one of the Plus driving courses that are offered for newly qualified drivers as this could reduce your premium costs.
When you start to look for an insurance company to quote for a policy, it may be worth finding a company that specialises in insurance for younger drivers. It is unfortunately the case that if you are under the age of 25 it is highly likely that you will be required to pay high insurance premiums. Probably the best way of getting a quote that you can afford once you have taken the extra driving qualification is to do your research on the comparison sites until you find something that fits your budget.
It is not just age that can affect the amount you pay for insurance premiums. Insurers take a number of things into consideration when making a quote, whether or not you are a young driver. The number of miles that you drive will affect what you pay as will the type and age of your vehicle. Some vehicles are more expensive to get cover for than others. Where you live will affect what you pay on a policy.
Companies take into consideration whether there is significant car theft and damage in a given area, they will also consider whether you live near an accident black spot. If your vehicle is parked on the street at night rather than in a garage, this will affect what you pay for your car insurance. Make sure that when you start looking for cover you have all the relevant information to hand. If you drive a flashy sports car rather than a mini or other small vehicle, you will pay more on your premiums because insurers are aware that some vehicles attract more attention and potential trouble than others.
When you start to look for vehicle cover, whether you decide on third party fire and theft or fully comprehensive insurance with breakdown cover, get several quotes. You should never accept the first car insurance quote that you are offered, shop around and see what is available for young drivers. You may be able to save on premiums if you take out insurance with a higher excess, that is to say how much you have to pay if you are involved in an accident before the insurance company will make a payout.