Seorang gadis Filipina berusia 23 tahun dan bekerja sebagai seorang pembantu di Arab Saudi gemar menggunakan masa terluang dengan bermain permainan itu sebagai salah satu cara mengurangkan rasa kerinduan kepada kampung halaman serta berurusan dengan majikan ‘kaki dera’.

Pertemuan dalam dunia permainan video yang menyatukannya dengan jejaka dari Amerika Syarikat, Triston, 21, pada tahun 2017 menjadi bibit-bibit awal percintaan mereka apabila dari situ mereka mula berkenalan dengan panggilan video setiap hari.

Mereka ‘bersatu’ melalui permainan itu apabila Triston gemar memberi Samra barangan-barangan unik dan ‘duit’ melalui permainan tersebut.
Triston pernah beberapa kali cuba melamar Samra namun, Samra menolak kerana masih terkesan dengan hubungan cinta dengan bekas kekasihnya.

Namun, pada September tahun lalu, Samra membuat kejutan pada hari ulang tahun Triston apabila menerima lamaran untuk kesekian kalinya.
Mereka akhirnya berjumpa secara berhadapan di Filipina pada December dan melangsungkan perkahwinan cara Islam setelah Triston menganut agama yang sama.
Short-Term Car Insurance - Your Temporary Car Protector
With globalisation spreading its wings across the globe, the lifestyle of an average person transformed. The IT age as made things easy for us, letting us enjoy a comfortable life. While owning a thing is a matter of a joy, retaining and protecting the same is a big deal too. That's where the term insurance enters the playing field. Yes, getting the things insured is the best thing that a person has to do, and especially if it is a car, you cannot ignore at least taking out of this policy before you run it on the road.
Insurance: Anything that claims to assure financial guarantee to any good or material in case of damage or theft of that particular good, which is insured, is known as insurance. It can be for car, ships, material on the ships, mobile phones, life, health and even for four wheelers, including cars. Short term-car insurance is a relatively newer kind of policy that offers vehicle owners great benefits through coverage.
Kinds of insurance-short term and long term:
Short-term insurance: The name of this insurance itself gives us a clear picture that the insurance is for a shorter period, unlike long-term insurances, such as life insurance. However, other insurances can be of short-term or long-term - depending upon the policy.
Short-Term Car Insurance: Supposing your car gets damaged or you meet with an accident, you need not worry. The insurance acts as your protector and covers the damages. 'Pay less and be secure' is the motive behind insurance. Some policies even cover the towing charges, in case the need for you to have your car towed ever arises.
Now what exactly is short-term insurance and why is it needed?
Imagine you have just got your new BMW and to get it insured (long-term insurance) may take at least another couple of days. In such a situation, short-term car insurance will be beneficial, covering your BMW till your long-term policy comes through.
If you have no insurance and have a long drive ahead of you, then you should obviously go for this. It is not that costly too, in the sense it is quite affordable, as the period is less. You can also reinsure upon completing the this period.