Menurut Rachma, visi dan misi pasangan Prabowo-Sandi merupakan solusi dari masalah yang dihadapi masyarakat saat ini.
"Sesuai dengan tujuan kami, masyarakat akhirnya tahu bagaimana visi dan misi Pak Prabowo," tegasnya, dikonfirmasi di sela acara Pidato Kebangsaan Prabowo Subianto, di JCC Jakarta, Senin (14/1/2019) malam.
Dengan memahami visi dan misi Prabowo, masyarakat akan semakin banyak yang memberikan dukungan.
"Masyarakat akan dapat mengerti. Insya Allah dukungan semakin besar," kata putri Presiden RI Pertama, Ir Soekarno ini.
Untuk diketahui, Calon Presiden nomor 02, Prabowo Subianto menggagas ide pembangunan andai ia terpilih. Capres yang berpasangan dengan Sandiaga Uno ini mengagas "Reorientasi Pembangunan".
Hal ini ia katakan kala memberikan pidato politik di Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC), Jakarta, Senin (14/1/2019) berjudul Indonesia Menang.
"Harapan kami yang ada untuk seluruh Indonesia adalah mewujudkan cita-cita bersama. Apa yang harus kita lakukan, dan akan kita lakukan bersama di lima tahun kedepan," kata Prabowo pada sambutannya.
"Kami memberi nama Reorientasi Pembangunan dan pengelolaan Republik Indonesia," lanjut Prabowo yang langsung disambut tepukan tangan ribuan peserta pertemuan yang memadati acara ini.
Prabowo lantas menjelaskan bahwa Reorientasi pembangunan adalah cara mengubah arah menuju arah yang benar. "Hal ini diperlukan agar bangsa lebih kokoh," tegasnya.
Ia lantas memberikan lima indikator bangsa dikatakan sebagai bangsa yang kokoh. Di antaranya, swasembada pangan, swasembada energi, swasembada air bersih, lembaga pemerintahan berintegritas, hingga memiliki angkatan perang yang unggul. (Surya/Bobby Koloway)
Taking Cover - A Guide to Holiday Rental Car Insurance Products
This article provides an overview of the most common rental car insurance products which are likely to be on offer from your rental car company.
Third Party Insurance Third party insurance covers injury to passengers and damage to property e.g. other vehicles in the case of accident. In Europe most vehicle rental companies will include third party cover in the rental agreement as it will be required by law. Third party cover may exclude fire and theft cover, meaning that if the car is stolen the hirer may be liable for the full insurance excess figure. Damage to the rental vehicle is not covered, and there will usually be an excess figure for which the hirer is liable.
The insurance excess figure is the amount that the hirer is liable to pay in the event of damage caused to the rental vehicle. The figure will vary depending on the type of vehicle, but is typically a few hundred Euros for a small car, rising to up to a thousand Euros for larger rental vehicles such as minibuses. This figure should be available from the rental company.
To supplement the third party insurance, any or all of the following insurances may be offered by the rental company:
CDW (Collision Damage Waiver Insurance) CDW Insurance waivers the hirer's liability to pay the excess figure in the event of damage to the hired vehicle, and may also cover the excess figure if the vehicle is stolen (in some cases theft insurance may be sold separately). It will usually be charged at a daily rate and may include a small excess (the excess will be a much lower amount than if you had only the basic third party cover). There are items which may be excluded such as damage to tyres, windows, and upholstery, and loss of keys.
Full Cover/Super/Premier Insurance Sometimes companies offer additional cover which is a combination of CDW/PAI and may also reduce the CDW excess figure. Cover may include items not covered by CDW such as tyres, wheels, undercarriage, etc. Terms such as ""Zero Excess"" and ""No Waiver"" may be used to describe policies which have no excess figure.
PAI (Personal Accident Insurance) Vehicle rental companies may offer personal injury insurance in the event of an accident. You may already have this cover if you have purchased holiday insurance. It may also cover items stolen from the vehicle.
If you are concerned about the insurance terms and conditions ask your rental company to give you a copy of the insurance contract in advance of your trip.