TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Momen unik antara Sandiaga Uno dan Ma'ruf Amin serta Prabowo Subianto dan Megawati Soekarno Putri terjadi di Debat Pilpres 2019 perdana, Kamis (17/1/2019).
Debat Pilpres 2019 ini digelar di Hotel Bidakara dan disiarkan secara langsung oleh TVRI, Kompas TV, dan RTV.
Menjelang acara Debat Pilpres 2019, terjadi momen unik Sandiaga Uno membungkukkan badan saat berjabat tangan dengan Ma'ruf Amin.
Momen Sandi jabat tangan calon wakil presiden nomor 01 ini diunggah di akun Twitter resminya, @sandiuno, sesaat sebelum Debat Pilpres 2019 dimulai.
"Sebelum naik ke panggung. Bismillah, ini untuk kebaikan bangsa Indonesia ke depan."
Tak hanya itu, Sandiaga Uno juga kembali membungkukkan badan saat berjabat tangan Megawati Soekarno Putri.
Selain Sandiaga Uno, Pramono Anung juga mengunggah momen unik yang terjadi di belakang panggung menjelang Debat Pilpres 2019.
Pramono mengunggah foto yang menunjukkan Prabowo-Sandiaga berpose bersama Megawati.
Prabowo-Sandi diketahui tiba lebih dulu di Hotel Bidakara dan bertemu dengan Megawati lebih awal.
"Silakan memilih, persaudaraan tetap jalan #kerjakerja #01JokowiAmin," tulis Pramono.
Momen di belakang panggung Debat Pilpres 2019 inipun mendapat banyak komentar dari warganet.
Banyak yang merasa senang melihat kerukunan yang ditunjukkan Jokowi-Maruf Amin dan Prabowo-Sandiaga.
"Adem liat fotonya. Politik ya politik, saudara ya saudara. Perbedaan bukan berarti menghambat silaturahmi."
"Aku terenyuh lihat foto ini. Harusnya Indonesia memang begini."
"Pancasila ketiga, Persatuan Indonesia. Selalu kita jaga, lupakan perbedaan."
"Ya harusnya begitu, kayak main bola. Di lapangan boleh jadi lawan, tapi di luar tetap kawan."
Dalam Debat Pilpres 2019 malam ini, akan membahas tiga tema, yakni hukum dan HAM, korupsi, serta terorisme.
Live Streaming
Debat Capres-Cawapres Pilpres 2019 dilangsungkan secara terbuka dan disiarkan langsung dan live streaming oleh TVRI, Kompas TV, dan RTV.
Sesi debat calon presiden (capres) 2019 Jokowi-Ma'ruf vs Prabowo -Sandiaga digelar di Hotel Bidakara, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan tersebut akan mengangkat tiga tema utama.
Debat Capres-Cawapres Pilpres 2019 sesi pertama ini akan mengusung tema hukum, HAM, korupsi, dan terorisme.
Tautan live streaming debat Capres-Cawapres Pilpres 2019 Jokowi vs Prabowo akan tersaji pada akhir berita.
BerikutTribunnews.comkutip jadwal debat pertama hingga debat kelima yang akan digelar sebelum waktu pemilu 2019 diadakan.
1. Debat Pertama
Tema: Hukum, HAM, Korupsi, dan Terorisme
Hari/ Tanggal : Kamis, 17 Januari 2019
Tempat: Hotel Bidakara, Jakarta
Stasiun TV : TVRI, RRI, Kompas TV, dan RTV
2. Debat Kedua
Tema : Energi dan Pangan, Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan Hidup, dan Infrastruktur
Hari/ Tanggal: Minggu, 17 Februari 2019
Lokasi : Hotel Sultan, Jakarta
Stasiun TV: RCTI, GTV, MNC TV, dan iNews TV
3. Debat Ketiga
Tema : Pendidikan, Kesehatan, Ketenagakerjaan serta Sosial dan Kebudayaan
Hari/ Tanggal : Minggu, 17 Maret 2019
Lokasi : Hotel Sunan, Jakarta
Stasiun TV : Trans TV, Trans 7 dan CNN Indonesia TV
4. Debat Keempat
Tema : Ideologi, Pemerintahan, Pertahanan dan Keamanan serta Hubungan Internasional
Hari/ Tanggal : Sabtu, 30 Maret 2019
Lokasi : -
Stasiun TV : Metro TV, SCTV, dan Indosiar
5. Debat Kelima
Tema : Ekonomi dan Kesejahteraan Sosial, Keuangan dan Investasi serta Perdagangan dan Industri
Hari/ Tanggal : -
Lokasi : -
Stasiun TV : tvOne, ANTV, BeritasatuTV dan NET TV
Pada sesi pertama debat capres 2019 ini, ada dua orang yang KPU tunjuk sebagai moderator.
Mereka adalah Ira Koesno dan Imam Priyono.
Keduanya bakal memandu debat yang membahas tema hukum, HAM, korupsi, dan terorisme.
Kamu bisa saksikan debat Capres-Cawapres Pilpres 2019 melalui live streaming.
Berikut tautan live streaming debat Capres-Cawapres Pilpres 2019 yang akan dimulai malam nanti pukul 20.00 WIB.
>>>> LINK Kompas TV
*Disclaimer: tautan live streaming debat Capres-Cawapres Pilpres 2019 hanya informasi untuk pembaca. Tribunnews.com tidak bertanggung jawab atas kualitas live streaming.
What is a Car Insurance Deductible?
Car insurance is not only a necessity when driving a car, it is also the law. When drivers purchase car insurance, they are required to pay a car insurance deductible. The deductible is part of every driver's insurance policy and they are responsible for paying it. Basically, a deductible is the amount of money that a driver is willing to pay for the insurance coverage. Deductibles differ by state, but generally, they can be $100, $250, $500, $1000 or $1500. For instance, if you had a deductible of $1000, and received damage to you car in the amount of $5000, you would pay $1000 and the insurance company would pay $4000. This money must be paid before your insurance company will pay your claim.
Selecting a deductible is an important decision because it will affect the cost of your premium. The higher the amount of the deductible that you choose, the lower your insurance premiums will be. You could possibly save up to 20 percent. Comprehensive and collision coverage are associated with the insurance deductible. Comprehensive covers any damage to your vehicle other than another car. This can include hail, ice pellets, physical damage such as vandalism, or hitting something such as a . Comprehensive insurance also covers theft. Collision insurance covers damage caused to your car as the result of a collision with another vehicle.
Although the higher the insurance deductible, the lower the premium, you will still have to make sure you can afford the deductible in the event that you have to make a claim. It is important that set aside the amount of the deductible such as depositing it in a specific bank account. If you cannot deposit the entire amount, make regular deposits to make up for the shortfall until your reach the total amount.
Most car insurance companies provide deductible calculators on their website. Before you decide which deductible you will use, compare policies and how much each costs. If you need further information, contact an insurance agent.
Every driver has to consider how much money they can afford for coverage each month.
It is important be informed about car insurance policies and their deductibles. This coverage is how your vehicle will be protected in case of a vehicle accident or damage. Choosing auto insurance deductibles is based on personal choice. The best choice is what best suits a policyholder's specific needs. An important factor in choosing deductibles is the price and how difficult it would be to obtain the car insurance deductible in the event of an accident. To find out the difference in prices, get several quotes from different companies. A general rule is: choose deductibles as high as you can afford.
The purpose of the car insurance deductible is to dissuade drivers from using their insurance policies for minor claims. If a driver has $500 in damages, and a $500 car insurance deducible, he most likely will not make a claim. By knowing and understanding what your state requires, how much coverage you can afford, how much you are willing to pay for insurance, how often you think you will make a claim, and how much of a deductible you can pay, you will be able to choose the right policy to meet your needs.