"Alumni UI berakal sehat mestinya dukung @prabowo @sandiuno." Fadli mencuit melalui akun Twitternya @fadlizon.
Referensi pihak ketiga
Selain itu, pada deklarasi terlihat poster yang memuat nama Fadli. 'Alumni UI minus Fadli Zon dan semacamnya pilih Jokowi'.
Ada pula yang menyinggung mantan pengajar UI, Rocky Gerung, 'Rocky Gerung sudah tidak boleh mengajar lagi di kampus kami'. Demikian seperti yang dilansir dari laman Tempo.co (13/01/2019).
Ketua Bidang Milenial Alumni UI Angkat Bicara
Ketua Bidang Milenial Alumni UI, Muhammad Pradana Indraputra mengatakan alumni UI memiliki alasan kuat mendukung Jokowi. Jokowi dinilai sebagai pemimpin yang tegas dan berani."Jokowi bukan tipikal orang yang omong doang, rencana doang. Jokowi itu 'man of action'. Jokowi melakukan semuanya. Sesimpel itu alasan kami," kata Pradana.
Referensi pihak ketiga
itu, Pradana juga mengatakan yang membedakan Jokowi dengan yang lain
adalah, Jokowi merupakan pemimpin yang tegas dan berani. Dia
mencontohkan, hal itu tergambar dalam keberhasilan pemerintah dalam
mengakuisisi PT Freeport dan menyelesaikan proyek MRT.
"MRT yang sudah terencana dari tahun 90-an, enggak pernah tereksekusi. Baru tereksekusi sama Jokowi. Freeport sejak dulu katanya divestasi, tapi enggak pernah kejadian. Baru zaman Jokowi bisa terjadi," jelas Pradana. Demikian seperti yang dilansir dari laman Republika.co.id (13/01/2019).
Exotic Car Insurance - Factors That Matter
A car could be a determining factor regarding an individual's success, especially if your car is an exotic like the Aston Martin Vanquish. This automobile doesn't need any further introduction to the public, and it is made famous in the movies by an agent whose number is 007. Movie stars, sports personalities and famous businessman are the usual suspect to have this car in their respective garages. Armed with a powerful V-12 engine that is a cut among the rest, which make most people aspire to have this car. This type of vehicle requires special care in all aspect, and it is only appropriate to put it on auto-insurance.
In case of accidents, natural calamities, fire, and of course the constant threat grand theft auto, it would be best to get insurance for those kinds of cars. If you invested a hefty amount of money for your exotic sports car, you should also expect a hefty investment in the insurance. Basically when you talk about exotic automobile insurance, it is more expensive compared to the usual. A car brand and model greatly affects the status of the insurance, and sports cars are included among the highest insurance rate existing. Due to its high speed capability, the sports car makes the driver more prone to misfortune. Auto-insurance companies consider the safety features of the car. The sleek design plus the style could have an effect in sports car insurance. Being an owner of an exotic vehicle requires a lot of responsibilities. So what are the factors that could affect the insurance rate of an exotic auto-mobile?
Affected by Gender
Sad to say, in this aspect, males are at the receiving end, and they would envy the female species, because they have lower insurance rate compared to their male counterpart. Men are more prone to accidents due to their adventurous nature, while women, when it comes to driving, are the most cautious type.
Repairs, Repairs
It is safe to say that repair costs for exotic cars are more expensive than ordinary cars. Auto parts of these cars are not easy to find, plus the repair services would not come cheap. Online insurance provides discounts and has a lower cost for exotic cars.
More often, there is a thin line between a sports car and an exotic automobile. The reasons why people with money buy sports car is because they want to feel better within themselves, and it could increase your status in our demanding society. One must sum up if the auto-insurance they choose is the right one or not.