Saat ini Ahok atau BTP sedang bahagia setelah lama tidak menghirup udara bebas. Ahok bisa kembali berkumpul dengan keluarganya dan dalam jangka dekat kemungkinan ahok atau BTP juga akan menggelar pernikahan dengan salah seorang brida cantik yakni Puput Nastiti. Kabar bakal menikahnya ahok dengan puput telah lama berhembus semanjak ahok masih dalam penjara.
Namun banyak warga net yang mempertanyakan rencana pernikahan Ahok dengan puput.Pasalnya Ahok dan Putut ternyata berbeda agama menurut beberapa berita yang beredar. Kita ketahui Ahok adalah pemeluk agama Nasrani sedangkan Puput beragama Islam. Walaupun agama calon istrinya ahok masih simpang siur kebenarannya, namun tampak dalam berkas administrasi pernikahan bahwa Puput memeluk agama Nasrani. Benarkah Puput Nastiti berpindah agama demi menikah dengan Ahok ?
Ahok dan Puput ( harianindo.com )
Berikut 4 fakta mengenai Puput Nastiti calon istrinya Ahok atau BPT.
1.Ternyata Puput Nastiti adalah mantan ajudan Veronica Tan yang tak lain adalah mantan istrnya ahok sendiri. Diketahui bahwa ketika puput menjadi ajudan, puput sering mengantar makanan untuk ahok ketika ditahan di mako brimob kelapa dua, depok.
2. Brida puput juga pernah bertugas di polda Metro Jaya, hal ini dikonfirmasi oleh kepala Yanma ( kayanma ) Mabes Polri Kombes Pol Yudi yang menyatkan bahwa puput pernah bertugas di polda metro Jaya.
3. Bripda puput ternyata lahir dan besar di Jakarta, walaupun orang tuanya berasal dari kabupaten Nganjuk, jawa timur.
4. Bripda puput adalah anak sulung dari pasangan Teguh Suryono dan Lilis Wijayanti.Puput ternyata mulai tertarik jadi polisi sejak dibangku SMP.
Begitulah seputar fakta mengenai Bridpa puput yang di isukan telah berpindah agama.
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Suggestions On Buying Car Insurance
It's important to buy car insurance for many reasons. One is that to drive without it is illegal. Another is that if you happen to get into an accident, and you don't have insurance, the financial consequences can be horrible. Many people will choose the least expensive insurance to satisfy the law, and leave it at that. But buying the cheapest isn't always the best. Sometimes you need to consider quality as well as price, as those who have been in accidents can attest to.
What's the best strategy when shopping for insurance? If you're not sure what you're looking for, it can be difficult. In this article you'll learn a few basic tips on what to be looking for, so it will be much easier to compare policies. More often than not, consumers can save money by doing some homework beforehand.
Of course, certain things like your age, your driving record, and where you live are out of your control and have an impact on the cost of your policy. But how much coverage you get also impacts policy price, and you can definitely choose how much. Getting more coverage than the minimum required is a good idea for a couple of reasons. One is that if you cause and accident, and the damage is more than your policy will pay, you'll have to come up with the difference yourself. This can add up in a hurry if there are several cars involved.
Making sure you have uninsured motorist protection is another thing to think about. Although everybody should have insurance, a lot of people don't. If you are in an accident caused by somebody without insurance, there's not much you can do. You could sue them, but you won't likely get much from somebody that can't afford car insurance.
Your deductible is something that also affects the performance of your insurance policy. Generally high deductibles come with lower premiums, while lower deductibles come with slightly higher premiums. Many people choose the highest deductible to get the cheapest payments, but consider if you actually needed to meet that deductible. If you can, then opt for the cheaper premiums. Sometime it's better to pay a little bit more each month so you don't have to come up with such a huge chunk of change if an accident happens.
Shopping around for the best insurance policy isn't the greatest way to spend your weekend, but once you find one, you don't have to worry about any longer. Just make sure you take your time, and buy the right policy, so it will be there when you need it.