Survei terhadap dua paslon tersebut dilakukan di Dapil IX Jatim, Bojonegoro-Tuban, dalam kurun waktu 11-21 Desember 2018.
Survei dilakukan dengan melibatkan 880 responden, dengan sampling per kelurahan 10 responden. Hasilnya, Jokowi unggul telak atas Prabowo.
Direktur Riset Indopolling Network, Dewi Arum Nawangwungu, mengatakan dari hasil survei yang dilakukan terdapat sampling eror kurang lebih 3,2 persen pada tingkat kepercayaan 95 persen untuk Bojonegoro dan Tuban.
Pasangan Jokowi-Maruf Amin unggul dari Prabowo-Sandi, baik di survei terbuka maupun tertutup. Adapun pertanyaan ke responden yaitu seandainya Pilpres dilakukan hari ini siapa paslon yang dipilih.
"Di survei peta elektoral pilpres, baik terbuka maupun tertutup Jokowi-Maruf Amin unggul dari Prabowo," kata Dewi saat menyampaikan hasil survei.
Dewi menjelaskan detail, untuk survei pemilihan yang dilakukan secara terbuka paslon 01 mendapat 49,2 persen, paslon 02 mendapat 9,4 persen, sebanyak 41,4 persen menyatakan tidak tahu atau tidak jawab.
Sedangkan untuk survei tertutup Jokowi-Maruf mendapat 54,1 persen, Prabowo-Sandi mendapat 10,2 persen, yang menyatakan tidak tahu atau tidak jawab 35,7 persen.
"Di sini dapat dilihat Petahana unggul telak dari Prabowo-Sandi, itu dapat kita lihat dari prosentase angka yang terpaut jauh," pungkasnya.
Hadir dalam pemaparan survei tersebut yaitu tim TKD Jokowi-Marif Amin, Sandy Arianto, pengamat politik Unirow, M Ali Shodikin
Tesco Car Insurance - The Best Deal
To some people the purchasing of Tesco car insurance seems to be a big deal, especially because different states have their own specifications when it comes to automobile insurance. In many countries throughout the world, it is stated that driving a motor vehicle that has got no valid insurance cover endangers your own safety and that of other road users. Insurance company assures you that the hassles that are experienced in other places before getting insurance for your car do not feature anywhere in Tesco car insurance vocabulary.
Before purchasing Tesco car insurance cover for your car, it is important to check out other types of insurance coverage and services that Tesco c insurance provides to its customers. What insurance does is to cover the hospital and damage expenses that occur if you happen to cause an accident and injure someone or damage their car. All vehicles are expected to be insured even if it is a liability insurance cover.
Liability insurance, like in most insurance companies, does not actually pay for the damages that have been inflicted on your car in an accident that you caused. It only caters for the other car that was involved in the accident with your car. In some countries it is called Third party insurance cover. To maintain the value of your loan, Tesco insurance will require you as the client to have full (also called fully comprehensive) car insurance cover instead of the normal liability insurance.
After an accident happens, Tesco car insurance company will normally send their detective to investigate the details about the accident to determine whether the accident was staged. There are certain individuals who will stage an accident when they notice that their car has become old so that the insurance company can pay for them to get another new car. This type of criminal activity costs insurance company a lot of money annually, which in turn affect the prices of insurance cover because of the high budget.
The other thing that is making the Tesco car insurance company choke is the high cost of modern automobiles. What do you think happens when if all you have is liability insurance and then you are involved in an accident with an expensive car? Insurance companies are the ones that feel the pinch because even if you were told to pay for the damages yourself, chances are that you would not manage. This has seen many insurance companies, which lack proper planning, close down - unlike Tesco car insurance company, which has been in the business for a very long time.
It is said that experience also matters because it is the best teacher. This insurance also fully caters for any bodily injury that might have been sustained during the accident. The company caters for all the medical bills and therapy if the accident was serious. These also has special cover for female drivers and new drivers, which gives them some benefits with regard to the duration that they have been driving. Tesco car insurance company cares for the well being of its clients.