Rombongan para dubes itu dipimpin oleh Duta Besar Uni Eropa Vincent Guerend. Mereka diterima oleh Ketua BPN Prabowo-Sandi, Jenderal TNI (purn) Djoko Santoso.
Turut hadir dalam rombongan tersebut sejumlah dubes negara-negara UE seperti Rumania, Inggris, Slovakia, Belanda, Italia, Denmark, Hongaria, Belgia, Spanyol, Swedia, Republik Cheska, Prancis, Portugal, Jerman, Finlandia, dan Republik Irlandia.
Pernyataan pers BPN Prabowo-Sandi menyebutkan pertemuan tersebut membahas sejumlah isu, diantaranya terkait kebijakan ekonomi Prabowo-Sandi khususnya terkait dengan isu reformasi pajak hingga keterbukaan bagi dunia bisnis dan investasi.
"Dalam pertemuan ini kami menekankan bahwa Prabowo-Sandi akan mengedepankan kerja sama antarnegara yang berimbang dan adil khususnya di sektor industri jasa," kata Direktur Hubungan Luar Negeri BPN Prabowo-Sandi, Irawan Ronodipuro.
Tak hanya isu ekonomi, BPN Prabowo-Sandi dan para dubes UE juga membahas isu kesejahteraan sosial seperti upaya meningkatkan daya beli masyarakat serta membuka lapangan kerja.
Polemik daftar pemilih tetap (DPT) yang diterbitkan KPU juga dibahas dalam pertemuan ini. BPN Prabowo-Sandi menyampaikan adanya potensi kecurangan pemilu lantaran DPT Pilpres 2019 tidak akurat.
"Kami menyampaikan fakta bahwa ada ancaman terhadap integritas, kejujuran dan transparansi di DPT. Kami menemukan nama-nama orang yang sudah meninggal dunia, atau nomor KTP yang tidak lengkap, tapi masih terdaftar dalam DPT," kata Irawan.
"Kami juga mendorong UE turut memantau jalannya pemilu 2019 agar berlangsung jujur dan adil demi kualitas demokrasi Indonesia yang lebih baik," lanjutnya.(mr/bns)
How Do You Find Cheap High Risk Auto Insurance?
Everyone wants to spend the hard earned money in the right way and the most possible profitable way. If spending lavishly is waste of money, then, spending money without being aware that it is more than it deserves, is also a waste. This kind of mistake happens quite often for many people who purchase car insurance coverage, especially, high risk insurance policies.
Some people are categorized as high risk for the mistakes done while driving on the road. Some of the reasons are driving under the influence, being the owner of a car that is considered heavily modified and comes under the category of race car, teenage drivers or those who live in areas which are more prone to car theft and break ins. When you fall under any one of these categories, it is better to take the necessary steps to reduce or minimize these risks before seeking an insurance coverage policy in order to get cheap insurance.
Young or teenage drivers have lot of scope to improve by taking graduate licensing exams that will minimize the risk by almost one third and offer cheap rates. Another area of concern that is, the modified car can also be rectified to get a cheaper insurance quote. When a clear idea is obtained on the situations under which cheap insurance is obtained, the next step is to search places where cheap insurance can be found.
The first and foremost option is the internet where there are numerous choices on getting the best quote. It is possible to compare the various quotes and get the best out of it. The profit that online providers get by saving through their lack of expenses on infrastructure is directly passed on to the consumers and therefore, getting cheap quotes is possible through the internet.
The common mistake made by most of the people is that they settle on the first quote they come across, without making some research. A little effort and time can save a lot of money. Another tip to get cheap insurance is to pay all the existing fines and then approach the motor vehicle office to clear the driving history.
Some of the car models may have air bags and anti theft devices and choosing such models will carry cheap car insurance. A wise idea to reduce the premium is to increase the deductible to an affordable amount which will end up in saving a lot on the premium. A discount of 15 percent will be offered if insurance is purchased through homeowners or renter's insurance company. Seeking for other kinds of discounts like senior discounts, driver's education discount, and low mileage discount is also a good idea.