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Tired of Getting Expensive Car Insurance? Four Tips To Get You Low Premiums In the United States alone, over 20% of the people will report that their car insurance coverage is too expensive for their budget. Although this may look like sour grapes on their part this may be true because most of them just go along paying huge sum of money for their car insurance bills. To be able to avoid this here are some things you can do to lower your auto insurance bills. 1. First of all, you need to check your driving behavior. It is very easy for one to get a ticket on road speeding especially when you are under certain circumstances. You may neglect driving safely, or you speed up on the interstate to catch up on a meeting. Whatever it i, a speeding ticket and a bad driving record will give you extremely expensive premium rates. The reason behind this is that insurance providers will have to pay more for people who have a high tendency to get involved in road accidents. Your speeding ticket is also the ticket to a higher price quote so you better clean up your act now! 2. The next thing to consider is the type of vehicle you are using. Driving a powerful car or an expensive one will also drive your insurance bills up. This is because some cars use expensive equipment and parts which can cost more for insurance companies to cover so they ask for a higher payment from you. Cars that are also found to be statistically more likely to be in road accidents also have higher premium rates. One way for you to know which cars are greatly involved in accidents is to visit the Insurance Institutes list of highway loss. You will know which types of car are highly involved and steer clear away from these auto models if your want low insurance rates. 3. Check your credit data and ensure that you have a good standing reputation. Your credit score will show how responsible you have become and the more you carry this responsibility, the more insurance companies are going to give your affordable rates. When you pose as a low risk driver and responsible person, insurance providers give you a low amount of premium as well and if you want to pay monthly it is important to have a good score. 4. Be inquisitive when it comes to inquiring for discounts from your car insurance agent. Most of the time insurance agents follow a process where discounts are given to customers. However, the information is pretty general and some important stuff can be missed out. Enlist the help of your agent to find you more discount rates that may be included in your coverage and you may be surprised that there is actually more for you.
