Survei tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sejumlah pemilih parpol pengusung Jokowi-Ma'ruf justru merubah arah mendukung Paslon Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno. Sebaran wilayahnya meliputi Sumatera, Banten, dan Jawa Barat. Berbekal hasil survei tersebut, Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) akan lebih memperhatikan wilayah-wilayah yang dimaksud.
"Tentu untuk Jokowi-Ma'ruf, tim kampanye nasional KIK, ini (hasil survei) menjadi acuan yang baik untuk memerhatikan khususnya wilayah Jabar, DKI Jakarta dan Sumatera," kata Wakil Ketua TKN Johnny G Plate di Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (23/1). "Di mana di internal partai, partai pengusung, masih terjadi split-ticket yang cukup besar."
Johnny menyebut bahwa fenomena split-ticket voting yang ada di pihaknya terjadi karena banyaknya hoaks yang beredar. Hoaks tersebut menimbulkan persepsi negatif terhadap Paslon Jokowi-Ma'ruf. Sehingga menurut Johnny, hoaks tersebut dapat mempengaruhi pola pikir pemilih untuk merubah pandangannya.
Untuk mengatasi hal ini, dalam tiga bulan ke depan TKN akan lebih fokus untuk melakukan kampanye mikro. Bahkan jika perlu, pihaknya akan mendatangi masyarakat secara door to door ke tiga wilayah tersebut.
"Kurang dari 3 bulan ke depan, saya kira TKN KIK tentu akan lebih fokus," lanjut Johnny. "Untuk melakukan kampanye mikro, target-target mikro, dan melakukan canvassing politik door to door, mendatangi masyarakat, khususnya di wilayah Jabar, Banten, dan Sumatera."
Dari sembilan parpol pendukung, ada dua partai yang pemilihnya banyak tak solid mendukung Jokowi-Ma'ruf. Yakni Partai Persatuan Pembangunan ( PPP) dan Partai Hanura. "PPP dan Hanura paling banyak terbelah kepada oposisi," kata peneliti Rizka Halida di kantor Indikator Jakarta Pusat, Rabu (23/1).
Dari PPP, ada sekitar 43,2 persen pemilihnya yang memberikan suara untuk Prabowo-Sandiaga. Sedangkan dari Partai Hanura 39,6 persen pemilihnya beralih ke Paslon nomor urut 02.
The Why and How of Car Insurance Coverage
The rising number of car accidents world wide has made car insurance relatively expensive nowadays. That has resulted in many people taking a chance and driving without car insurance coverage. Not only is this illegal in most countries, but it's also highly irresponsible and could well result in the bankruptcy of the car owner.
Even if you drive a very old car, you still need insurance. You might think that your car is too old to justify the premiums. You could argue that you will just have it fixed yourself if you get involved in an accident. The reality is that more often than not there are two vehicles involved in an accident. If you drive into somebody else's very expensive imported car, the cost of repairing or replacing it might be more than the worth of your house!
There is a type of policy that has been tailor made for those with older vehicles. This is, quite aptly, referred to as third party, fire and theft insurance. It's a relatively cheap policy that covers the theft of your own car as well as damages suffered as a result of fire. The most important feature of this type of policy is, however, that it covers the repair or replacement of a vehicle belonging to someone else if you should collide with it.
If you have a private vehicle that you use to transport products for business purposes from time to time, you could consider taking out a policy for those specific periods only. You get policies that will cover both the damage to the vehicle as well as its contents. This will still leave the vehicle uninsured when used for private purposes though.
A comprehensive policy is your best option if you drive quite a new car. These policies are the most expensive type of insurance, but they also provide you with the best coverage. Your own vehicle, as well as those belonging to third parties will be covered. Damage caused through fires, theft and storms will also normally be covered.
If you have a number of delivery vehicles, you qualify for a fleet policy. In this case you will of course get substantial discounts on the normal premiums. You will also no doubt get a nice discount on the policy of your private vehicle.
The potential risk of driving uninsured is simply too high to even contemplate this. Car insurance coverage has become as important as car ownership in today's society. Use the Internet to compare prices - you are bound to find a policy that suits your needs and your pocket.