“Terima kasih kepada pihak sekolah atas penghargaan hari ini, tidak lupa guru-guru serta kawan-kawan yang turut sama meraikan,” kata beliau yang nampak segak berpakaian seragam sekolah ketika ditemui sumber kemudiannya.
“Saya bangga kerana selepas gambar itu menjadi viral,
rakan-rakan ramai yang bertanya bagaimana saya boleh berinteraksi dengan
baik bersama “rakan-rakan” saya itu, saya kata kepada mereka, saya dah
bergaul dengan haiwan ini sejak dari kecil,” tambahnya.

Gambar Syukur bersama sekawan kerbau itu mulai menjadi bualan ramai selepas gambar itu muncul juara peringkat Asia, selain turut tersenarai antara 20 gambar terbaik dunia, baru-baru ini.
Syukur berkata selain memberi motivasi kepada dirinya, anugerah yang diterima hari ini diharap turut dapat memberi inspirasi kepada rakan-rakan lain supaya menyantuni haiwan kerana ia juga makhluk ciptaan Allah yang mempunyai naluri seperti manusia.
Pengetua sekolah berkenaan, Zah Mohamad berkata anugerah yang diterima Syukur bertepatan dengan nilai-nilai yang ada dalam diri pelajar berkenaan iaitu kasih, saling menghormati, kebahagiaan dan kemanusiaan.
“Kita juga mempunyai perancangan yang teratur supaya tahap pendidikan Syukur yang kini berada pada tahap sederhana dapat ditingkatkan menjadi pelajar cemerlang,” katanya.
“Kami sentiasa memantau perkembangannya agar dia yang dikenali netizen sebagai Syukur – The Kampung Boy tidak leka dengan populariti yang diraih ketika ini,” katanya.
Getting the Cheapest Car Insurance
More and more people right now are concerned about getting the cheapest car insurance they possibly can, but before you totally focus on cost, you need to keep a few things in mind. For one thing, car insurance is all about risk - risk for the insuring company and risk for you. While it might be tempting to get just minimum liability insurance for your car, you should consider something better if you couldn't afford to replace your car if you totaled it on your own fault. Also, don't raise your deductibles so high that you wouldn't be able to cover them in case of an accident. With that said, though, let's look at some ways to find the cheapest car insurance.
One of the best ways to save on your car insurance is to choose your car wisely. This is especially true if you're a high-risk driver, but anyone can save money by driving the right type of vehicle. Traditionally, safe sedans and vans are pretty cheap to insure, while SUVs and trucks will probably cost more. There are many reasons for this, so next time you are ready to buy a new or used car, call your insurance agent to get advice on how much each type of car will cost you to insure. Usually, the agent can check insurance premiums with just a few mouse clicks, and you might be surprised at how much you can save monthly and yearly by choosing the right type of vehicle.
You should also choose your car insurance policy wisely. Many people will go for whatever policy their insurance agents suggest, but this isn't a good idea. It's like dumping your money in an investment fund without knowing where your money is going. You should take time to look at different policies before choosing the one that fills all your needs as cheaply as possible. The cheapest car insurance will be your state's minimum personal liability and property damage insurance, but this will only insure other people's damage if you cause an accident, and it won't protect you against things like theft and accidents caused by uninsured drivers. The cheapest car insurance is a policy that you can afford but that will also cover your needs in the case of an accident or disaster. Be sure that you spend some significant time looking at different policies so that you can wisely choose the one that best suits your needs.