Keberuntungan berpihak pada pasangan
capres-cawapres nomor urut 02, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Salahudin Uno.
Komunitas Alumni Perguruan Tinggi (PT) Se-Bogor Raya, termasuk Alumni
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPM) menyatakan dukungan bagi pasangan
capres-cawapres tersebut.
deklarasi komunitas PT se-Bogor, Indra Adil menuturkan pihaknya
memberikan dukungan ke Prabowo-Sandiaga lantaran memiliki visi dan misi
yang sama. Visi dan misi itu di antaranya perbaikan sektor ekonomi, pro
UMKM dan kebijakan yang pro rakyat.
kami sevisi dan misi dalam rangka mendukung terwujudnya Indonesia yang
adil dan makmur bersama Prabowo-Sandi,” kata Indra, seperti yang
dilansir di pojoksatu.id (13/01/19).
Koordinator Relawan Badan Pemenangan (BP) kota Bogor, Muhammad Haekal
yang juga hadir pada acara deklarasi tersebut menilai kemenangan
capres-cawapres junjungannya itu semakin terlihat, khususnya di Bogor.
Hal ini dibuktikan dengan banyaknya dukungan yang terus-menerus mengalir untuk Prabowo-Sandiaga.
itu menjadi bukti konkret, pendukung pasangan capres yang kami usung
bukanlah sembarang orang. Tapi orang-orang yang memang sangat
menginginkan adanya perubahan yang signifikan bagi bangsa dan negara.
Orang cerdas semua ini,” kata Haekal, seperti yang dilansir di
pojoksatu.id (13/01/19).
Bagaimana menurut Anda? Semoga ulasan ini bermanfaat untuk Anda.
How Can a Student Find Cheap Car Insurance?
Students have just about the worst reputations for driving of all drivers and they're typically penalized by auto insurance companies because of this. So how could students make their insurance premiums affordable?
The Association of British Insurers reports that although seventeen to twenty five years old only make up 7 percent of the auto insurance market they pay twenty-two percent of all premiums in the UK because they are considered a 'high risk' group. A deficiency of experience driving, higher accident rates and the fact that students typically live in university towns where automobile crime rates are higher, means they're greatly penalized by insurance providers.
However, there are methods for students to force their insurance premiums down.
The initial step if you're an inexperienced driver is to take the Pass Plus class right after you pass your practical driving test. Although the class itself can cost over $100 to take, it will typically get you discounts in between ten to thirty five percent on premiums which means it'll pay for itself during your 1st year of driving.
Students should in addition consider carefully the car they're driving. Purchasing a high performance vehicle will be extremely prohibitory because of the reputation of youthful motorists. Make your 1st car selection as inexpensive as you can with a little engine, limited modifications and an older vehicle that will be less tempting to criminals.
Improving security is extremely essential for students attempting to save cash on auto insurance premiums. Although most will not have access to a garage at school, they should make sure they at least park in a well-lit area and put in devices like immobilizers and alarms to cut down the probability of theft.