Namun anehnya, kehadiran Tol Trans Jawa itu seperti tak berpengaruh terhadap arus lalu lintas di sepanjang jalur Pantai Utara (Pantura) Jawa. Jalur itu justru semakin padat.
Data Dinas Perhubungan (Dishub) Kota Pekalongan, setelah diberlakukannya tarif tol terjadi kepadatan kendaraan atau arus lalu lintas meningkat hingga 70 persen.
Peningkatan itu ditinjau dari jumlah rata-rata kendaraan barang (truk) yang melintasi jalur Pantura Kota Pekalongan di tiap jam.
Sebelum diberlakukan tarif tol, sekitar 200 truk melintas di Jalan Pantura Kota Pekalongan setiap jamnya.
“Namun setelah diberlakukan ada peningkatan kendaraan yang melintas, perkiraan 300 hingga 400 truk melintas setiap jamnya,” kata Kabid Lalu Lintas Dishub Kota Pekalongan Restu Hidayat
Peningkatan truk juga diungkapkan KBO Lantas Polres Pekalongan Kota Ipda Eko Yuli.
“Sebelum diberlakukannya tarif tol lalu lintas di Jalan Pantura Kota Pekalongan lancar dan sepi. Namun setelah ditetapkan banyak pengemudi truk beralih ke jalur reguler ini,” imbuhnya.
Hasan, salah seorang sopir truk yang rutin melintasi jalur itu juga mengeluhkan tarif tol yang meningkat drastis. "Hitunganya seperti ini, Semarang ke Jakarta hanya untuk tarif jalan tol untuk kendaraan golongan I mencapai Rp 334 ribu, kalau kendaraan berat maksimal dua kali golongan I," katanya.
Dia mengaku hanya akan mengantongi uang sisa sebesar Rp 400 ribu untuk dibawa ke rumah. Itu pun belum termasuk hitungan untuk jembatan timbang di Batang, roda bocor atau pun persoalan teknis lainnya di jalanan.
Hal tersebut disebuntnya hanya makin memiskinkan orang yang hidupnya susah. "Itu lewat pantura sisa segitu. Kalau lewat tol, uangnya tidak bersisa. Mau makan apa keluarga kami," keluhnya. (bs)
Author : Muhammad Nursam
Some Extra Effort Gets You Cheap Car Insurance
It is essential for most of us to live within a budget. We are always looking for ways to save money. One of the areas to save money is insurance. It is illegal to drive without car insurance. Having this insurance is essential but it is an expensive that is going to be with you for as long as you drive. For most of us, car insurance is an expense we pay every month for many years. Over thirty years or more, car insurance adds up to a large sum of money. It is up to you to get the best deal you can.
It is possible to find cheap car insurance. The large insurance companies do have special offers to attract new clients. If such a special deal suits your situation and you want to change your present insurance provider, this is a cost effective way to do go about it.
If you want to find insurance that is cheap you must understand how you are perceived by an insurance company. Every driver who approaches an insurer for cover is regarded as a risk. The more of a risk you are the more you are going to pay for insurance. It is very important to let the insurance company know all your good qualities as a driver. Make a point of telling them you have a good driving history. If you have never been involved in an accident let them know. If you never, or very rarely, get speeding a ticket tell them. Insurance companies want clients who never claim for damages and theft. The more you can convince them with proof you are low risk, the lower your monthly premium will be.
Cheap car insurance need not be the result of insufficient coverage. You can get cheap insurance because you are a responsible driver. If you are a safe driver who never has to claim make sure you have a policy that gives you a bonus after a stipulated time period as a reward. Usually this takes place approximately every four years. This is a means of encouraging irresponsible drivers to be more careful.
The other factor that is on your side is the insurance industry is highly competitive. There is a good chance your monthly insurance premium will be lowered if you insist. If you have a good driving record it should be taken into account. Statistics prove women drivers are hardly ever involved in accidents. This is because in general they don't take risks. If you are a woman driver with a good driving history you should be given a low monthly premium. On the other hand, if you are a young driver with no driving record it will be almost impossible to find car insurance that is cheap.
It is obvious that to get cheap car insurance you must be prepared to go the extra mile. Prove you are a careful and reliable driver. Usually, insurance companies expect you to provide them with all the relevant information.