What Determines the Price of Your Car Insurance? Sometimes, because we are just too busy with our everyday tasks, stopping for a while and really understanding all the details of our car insurance policy is something that we fail to do. Usually, when we are getting insurance for our cars, the only thing we look at is the amount of the premium. Once you have realized that you can afford it, you immediately sign and then go ahead with your busy schedule. Oftentimes, you barely even stop to think about the factors that contributed to the amount of premium that you will be paying for. You just end up writing checks regularly for the payment of the insurance policy. Don't you want to know what aspects are being considered when determining the amount of your premium? The reason why it is important is because you have to make sure that every cent you spend for car insurance is really worth it. Sometimes, insurance companies might offer you something you do not need and since you were not really scrutinizing the details, you still end up paying for it. So, here are the things that determine the amount that you have to pay for your insurance. Among the factors that affect car insurance premium charges are your personal details. Your age, gender and the length of time that you have been driving are vital in coming up with a quotation. This also includes your driving history. For people who have a good record or those who has no claim bonus can bargain for a cheaper insurance premium. In cases when you change your car insurance provider, this is often reflected and credited by the new insurance company. It will allow you to get a really good discount especially if your no claim bonus has been spotless for five years. Another factor is the safety of your car. If you have security measures installed in your vehicle such as alarm system, air bag and others, it can reduce the amount of your premium. If you have a garage for you car, your premium will also come cheaper compared to parking it closer to the street. The best thing to do really, is to know the details of your insurance policy. That way, you can make sure that you are only paying for what you really need.