3 Tips For Finding Cheap Insurance For Young People After passing your driving test when young it can prove somewhat difficult to get insurance for a vehicle that is affordable. But there are plenty of places online that are more than happy to offer cheap car insurance for young people. It just means that you do need to spend time searching and then comparing what is being offered. There are also certain things that you can do which can further ensure that the rates you pay for your insurance policy are considerably lower and so much more affordable. In this article we take a look at just some things that you can do to help save money when it comes to getting car insurance when a young person. Tip 1 - Although you may want to impress your friends it is best if you stick with a small engine vehicle initially that comes with lots of safety features. So you want one that comes with airbags, anti lock brakes and is fitted with an alarm and immobiliser. Tip 2 - You may want to be able to drive your vehicle wherever you go but keeping the mileage down to the minimum could further help to lower the premiums you pay on your policy. The greater the mileage you cover then there are far more chances of you being involved in an accident or being given a ticket. Tip 3 - Finally it is worth considering participating in an advanced drivers or safety course. Many insurance companies are willing to offer discounts to drivers who have participated and then passed such courses.