Insider Information When Looking For Car Insurance Looking for cover that was comprehensive enough to cover what the law required and cover what her conscience dictated was quite an endeavour for a client we will call Mary. As the claims manager and consultant as a para-legal in the insurance industry, it was interesting to build a relationship with Mary as her advisor on the covers she would need. Mary was given some insider information that was very useful to her to make her decisions about the cover she chose to purchase. This article will give you some insights into an industry that is always changing. Some of the information will be to your benefit; part of the information is what the insurance companies do not want you to know. All of this information is informative and will help you figure out your road map through the different covers. Many policy providers will have comprehensive cover that is actually lower cost than the third party cover or the extended third party cover for fire and theft. Often times the same policy provider will charge the same client and car less for a comprehensive cover policy than a third party cover with fire and theft. This will occur when the policy providers analyse their statistics and see that the individuals who are driving under third party cover are making more claims and costing the provider more. This instance will happen when younger drivers choose the third party cover policies due to the lesser cost and these individuals have more likely to file claims due to more accidents. This drives the costs up to the provider and the cost of the car insurance. Small Print to Watch out for: * Not all policies are created equal even if the name of the policy seems to be the same as a policy with another company. Check very carefully to see what is covered. There is no creature called a 'standard policy'. Each company creates their own standard policy. This is why it is vital to read all the print, even the small print. Here are a few things that will vary from company to company: * Loan cars are no longer standard on all comprehensive policies and sometimes you are limited to just 14 days' free usage. You may not get a loan car if your vehicle is written off. * Windscreen cover is also no longer standard and the policy excess and terms for it vary considerably; for example, you might just be covered for two incidents per year. * Legal expenses and breakdown covers are not standard, nor is European cover for breakdowns. You will need a supplemental to the policy to ensure cover for legal expenses and breakdowns. * You may have to use the repair shop that the car insurance company directs you to. They have used this provider and are satisfied with the service that has been given to their customers. The provider discounts the company for work that is done in order to receive dedicated orders from them. Using your own mechanic could end up costing the policy provider much more than their own repairer.