Ethical Standards While Selecting Car Insurance Owning a car is not limited to the rich. As car companies are increasing, the car industry is catering to all classes of people. Owing a car is simple, but selecting the right insurance may be tough. But, with the increase in the number of car insurance companies, there have been a steep rise in the competition. This exposes one to various schemes on the websites. One can gather the information and select the most suitable car insurance for your needs One should ask various questions such as the model of car purchased, mode of purchase, purchase period etc. This makes it simpler to get the best and the cheapest insurance, depending upon your needs. There might be various coverage offered in the insurance packages, which may not be of a use to you. Upon answering these questions, ones decision towards selecting the right car insurance becomes easier. Selecting insurance does not end the story, but getting the best deal for insurance is equally necessary. Here are a few tips that can be adopted to reduce the premium that you have to pay for car insurance. There are a few insurance companies which offer discounted premium prices for insuring more than one car. Hence insuring more vehicles allows you to avail 20-25% discount on the premium paid. Securing ones car by security systems, anti lock brakes and other security devices entitles one to avail discount as well. Enrollment in driver education programs and drivers training programs also allow a 10-20% discount on the premium paid. A few of the insurance companies also provide discounts for owning third-party insurance coverage. These are a few simple steps and ethical standards that can be followed to avail discounted premium rates for the insurance that you need.