Why You Should Compare Comprehensive Car Insurance Coverage? There are several reasons why you should compare comprehensive car insurance coverage online. Comprehensive car insurance refers to coverage for all damages to a vehicle that were not caused by a direct collision. This might include damage to your car by way of theft, vandalism, flood, fire or even animal attack. (Warning to leaf peeper- those Vermont moose can do a lot of damage!) Essentially, you are paying the company to fix your vehicle minus the price of the deductible. This is why you should compare comprehensive coverage, so you can lower the premium while also keeping the deductible down. How a Deductible Affects Comparisons Though you could discount the price of your premium rate by simply increasing the deductible, ideally you want the most benefits for the least amount of premium payment. There is where shopping for a new insurance company can help you. By comparing the rates of different car insurance companies you may be able to find a policy that is cheaper by the month (or half year) but still gives you a generous amount of deductible. Remember that most car dealerships require that you have full coverage with a comprehensive insurance policy if you are leasing or paying on a car. Since you are taking on a double payment of a car loan plus comprehensive insurance, it is vitally important to find the lowest premium rate policy available. Taking a higher deductible may prove cost-efficient in the short term, but if you are ever involved in a car accident you could be paying up to $1,000 on your own before the insurance company steps in.