High Risk Car Insurance - How to Lower Your Premiums Starting Now Don't despair, even with a not-so-perfect driving record or being under the age of 20, you do have options for affordable car insurance, as long as you're willing to work to find them! It will be a bit harder, but by no means impossible to find affordable high risk car insurance if you're a high risk driver. Therefore, for whatever reason, be it age or driving record, you find that you're a high risk driver. Are the typical large insurance companies throwing crazy estimates your way? Make sure to invest a good portion of time into checking with local insurance companies to see what kinds of deals they can offer you. Keep a folder with all the quotes you've obtained organized in it. Also, stop right now and swear to yourself to never put another dark mark on your driving record starting today. If your age is the main force making car insurance prices unbearable, see about joining in on a policy with a family member to make it affordable for a few more years. In addition, if you are a high risk driver because of your age, do nothing to make your risk any higher and keep your car insurance premiums going down as the years go by. Check with any company you get a quote from to see if they offer any discounts for any programs such as driver's education courses. The price for these courses will be worth it in comparison to the savings. This part may be hard, but consider parting with your vehicle for a more practical one, if your current ride is doing no favors for your car insurance premiums. Very importantly, be thorough in doing your research and you will find more affordable car insurance options. No matter what, don't do anything to put you in even more jeopardy like driving without insurance, or drinking and driving. Worse than ending up broke you could also end up in jail and no one wants to see that happen! Stick to the research and carve out a plan today.