How Using an Auto Insurance Calculator Can Save You Money Car insurance is one of the most frustrating thinks to obtain. There are relatively few things in the world that make me angry and writing the check to the auto insurance company is one of them. Every time I give them money I think about how I could be using it for something else. In truth you are buying something when you pay your auto insurance premium. You are buying the security that if something were to happen to you while driving your vehicle that everything will be taken care of. This does not mean that you should not try to save money on your car insurance and one simple way to do that is by using an auto insurance calculator. At one point in time it was necessary to sit down with a car insurance agent and be told the amount that you would be paying for car insurance. Now this is not the case, as a consumer you will be able to tell the insurance agent what you can afford and what you want to spend your money on. Most insurance companies now offer an auto insurance calculator on their websites for you to use to determine the levels and types of insurance you can afford. As you may already know there are a lot of different calculations used in order to determine what you will be paying for auto insurance. Most of these calculations are within your control. Your driving record and the type of car you drive are 2 main things that will determine the price you pay, but there are several other factors as well. These include your credit score, job, education and type of home you own. The area you live in will also play a part. Using an auto insurance calculator can help you determine the type and amount of insurance that you need. Try these calculations on your own before buying a policy.