How to Find a Company With a Good Auto Insurance Rating There are certainly a lot of auto insurance companies out there. It seems sometimes that every time you turn on the television, there is another ad for some company. Some offer good service, others great prices, while others try to sell you on their high-tech quoting system. If you are looking for a new company to do business with, then you need to look at the auto insurance rating on several different aspects. First of all, an insurance company needs to be financially stable. If it is not, they could take your money and run. It sounds ridiculous in this day and age that something like that could happen, but when a huge disaster strikes, such as Hurricane Katrina, many insurance companies were wiped out. So, make sure the company you are dealing with is secure enough financially to withstand any disaster. Complaints against insurance companies are common, but if you search online, you will find that some companies are much less customer-friendly than others. If being able to talk to someone on the phone is important to you, then choose a company who likes to deal that way. If you want to do all of your interacting with your car insurance company online or via email, then there are companies that prefer that method of communication, too. A good auto insurance rating can also be based on average pricing. Every driver will get a different quote from different companies, but there are certainly some companies that are overall cheaper than others. But, you will never know this until you compare. So, take the time to do some comparison shopping online to find a company with a good auto insurance rating, and one that can provide you the level of service that you need at a price you can afford.