Finding Classic Auto Insurance Is Now Easier In the past, if you wanted to buy classic auto insurance, you would have to go to a specialized insurance company. But now, there are many more options for you and you should be able to save a lot of money as long as you know where to look. There are many major differences between classic auto insurance and traditional insurance. The first of which is the actual value of the car. A car may be decades old, but its value could be astronomical. The first thing you should do before you get any classic car insured is to make sure you have it appraised. This will help you in case you have to make a claim against your insurance company at a later date. Traditional car insurance companies don't understand why you may only drive your car a few hundred miles per year (or even less!), or why the car is locked up in a garage every day of the year. So, in many ways they don't give you the credit you deserve for taking care of your car. On the other hand, even a small scratch or dent can make a huge difference in the value of your vehicle, so you have to be protected for that as well. Instead of going to an insurance agency that specializes in classic auto insurance, you would be better off looking for a quote online from one of the online auto insurance brokers. There are some mainstream auto insurance companies that have a special department for vehicles such as yours and they will understand the right questions to ask and be able to give you a price that is probably much cheaper than what you are paying now. That way, your baby will also be protected in case something terrible happens.