Instant Car Insurance Quote - Quick and Convenient I call my car insurance agent. His secretary says he'll call me back. I miss his call, Three days later we finally connect. Sound Familiar? My time is too valuable to waste chasing down an agent, to get a conventional insurance quote. With today's hectic lifestyle, We all want an instant car insurance quote, so we can move on to other things. That's why many people are switching to purchasing car insurance online. What's stopping you? Many people are uncomfortable with shopping online for an instant car insurance quote. They worry about the security of their personal information. Every few months, we hear about some whacko hacker getting into a confidential website. However, we almost never hear about a hacker accessing secure financial transactions. That's because most Internet e-commerce uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate Authority encryption techniques that are so advanced that they handle literally millions of sales a day, without a hitch. Your quote is backed by sophisticated software that is probably more secure than being in the paper files of your local auto insurance agent. Imagine how many employees wandering around the local insurance office have access to your files! That security fear is real to many people, but they're finally beginning to realize that it's out of date. Do the online forms make you nervous? To get an instant car insurance quote, you do need to fill out a quick questionnaire. Many folks aren't real comfortable with their computer skills. They worry about getting the little information boxes right. Well, I can tell you from experience that the insurance companies have made giant strides in that regard. When you fill out the auto insurance quote form, a series of built in system checks tell you if you're doing something wrong. They'll suggest things or ask if you really meant something. They also give you a second chance to look everything over before you submit. Are you looking for the best price? Quotes online make it easy to save money. Most websites dealing with multiple companies have a selection that makes it easy to find cheap car insurance. Even the biggest car insurance companies have tutorials on how to save money with their products. Their goal is to attract you as a permanent customer, no matter whether you want a Cadillac plan or the V-W program. Auto quotes, no matter what the company, are just a click away!