Banyak yang Ikutan Praktek! Lagi Hits Sabun Cuci Piring Campur Garam Jadinya Bikin Puas

Bagi ibu-ibu pengatur anggaran rumah tangga, apapun yang bisa dihemat pasti akan langsung dicoba, apalagi saat ini harga barang-barang kebutuhan rumah tangga semakin tinggi. Ibu rumah tangga dituntut untuk sekreatif mungkin memaksimalkan uang belanja. Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang sabun cuci piring yang biasa menjadi salah satu objek penghematan. Biasanya sabun cuci piring hanya dicampur dengan air untuk menghemat pengeluaran. Tapi ada tutorial yang menjadikan satu bungkus sabun cuci piring 800 ml menjadi 5 liter sabun. Menarik sekali dan gampang dipraktekkan. Berikut bahan dan cara membuatnya.

Bahan-bahan yang dibutuhkan:

1 bungkus sabun cuci piring (merk apa saja netto 800ml) , 1 bungkus garam, Jerigen bersih dan 5 liter air.
Cara membuat:
Larutkan satu bungkus garam dengan sedikit air. Setelah garam larut tambahkan 1 bungkus sabun cuci piring lalu aduk hingga tercampur. Masukkan lagi air dan aduk hingga tercampur. Larutan akan mengental dengan sendirinya. Memang tidak sekental pada awalnya tapi sudah cukup untuk memenuhi fungsinya dalam membersihkan peralatan makan sehari-hari. Bonusnya lebih hemat, karena kamu bisa memasukkan larutan tersebut ke dalam jerigen sebagai persediaan untuk beberapa bulan kedepan.

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Car Insurance for Your Teen Driver The day you've been dreading is here. Your child has just turned 16 and for some unfathomable reason, the DMV has seen it fit to give him/her a driver's permit. Not only do you have to buy him/her a car that s/he will now proceed to systematically demolish, but you also have to spring for car insurance. If the astronomical auto insurance quotes you've received are any indication, the insurance companies share your trepidation about his/her ability to navigate the roads without destroying everything in his/her path. But don't worry, we're here to help. This article will give you a few pointers on getting car insurance for your teenager. The 'New' Car It may seem like buying a cheap, old, Archie Comics style jalopy will save you money. Wrong. You would actually lose big bucks in the long run. A run-down car will need more repairs, more maintenance, and most likely will cost more to insure for specifically these reasons. At the same time, buying your little hoodlum a beautiful, growling sports car isn't the solution either because the insurance company will slap on a premium that will leave your head reeling. The smartest decision is to buy a used car that doesn't have too many years on it and is in good shape. Since the collision damage, the cost of repairs, and the likelihood of theft are significantly lower for used cars, you will be able to find cheap auto insurance quotes. Auto Insurance Coverage Teen drivers between the ages of 15 and 17 cause approximately $34 billion annually in damages, medical expenses, loss of life, and property, as asserted by the American-Automobile Association. Now, while it may be tempting to skimp on auto insurance coverage and opt for the required minimum, you may want to keep this statistic in mind. Without adequate auto insurance coverage, you might find yourself stuck in a position where you have to pay obscene sums of money to pay for medical bills and damages to property. To add or not to add You're probably wondering if you should add your teenage driver to your own insurance policy. Well, this is debatable. You'll have to measure the benefits of each according to your specific situation and insurance company. But here are a few pros and cons to help you make that call Pros: If your teen is added to your policy, s/he can avail of the discounts and privileges you enjoy. Also, compared to the premiums s/he would have to pay on his/her own, this might just work out to be cheaper. Cons: Your own premiums rise by having a teen driver on your policy. Also, any claims, accidents or misdemeanors s/he makes will reflect on your auto insurance record and influence future premiums. Also, if your teenager had his/her own policy and miraculously turns out to be a decent driver, s/he'll be accumulating good driver's credit. Affordable auto insurance We saved the best for last. Your teen can actually enjoy affordable car insurance without compromising on coverage or quality! Care to find out how? Read the tips below: Driver training credit Some auto insurance companies offer drivers below the age of 21 a discount for completing a driver's training course. This course also leads to your child becoming a better driver, which leads to fewer accidents, transgressions and claims, which leads to a clean driving record which leads us right back to the best car insurance rates s/he can possibly get! Good student discount Need another reason to wish your child had inherited your intelligence? Here it is. Many auto insurance companies often offer discounts to students below the age of 25 who have an average of B+ or above. One way to turn this to your advantage is promising your teen that you give him the discount/money saved every time he qualifies for the good student discount on car insurance. Win-win, right? Safety first Who says insurance companies are soulless, uncaring corporations? Good car insurance companies will pay you to stay alive and stay safe. Installing air-bags or buying cars that fall into the safe-car category will get your teenager a discount from several auto insurance companies. Protect what's yours A car with anti-theft devices will get you yet another discount! Well, from some auto insurance companies. Hopefully yours is one of them. If not maybe it's time to start looking at car insurance quotes from companies that offer this service. Undoubtedly there's a lot to be stressed out about when raising teenagers. You have to worry about their college education, about the opposite sex, about the funny smell coming from their rooms-oh the list is endless. But hopefully this article has alleviated your fears and concerns about your teenager's auto insurance, leaving you with one less thing to worry about!

Tol Beres, Kemacetan Jalur Pantura Malah Naik 70 Persen, Sopir: Tarif Tol Bikin Miskin

FAJARONLINE.CO.ID -- Sejak 21 Januari 2019, operasional dan pengenaan tarif di sepanjang ruas Tol Trans Jawa telah berlaku.
Namun anehnya, kehadiran Tol Trans Jawa itu seperti tak berpengaruh terhadap arus lalu lintas di sepanjang jalur Pantai Utara (Pantura) Jawa. Jalur itu justru semakin padat.
Data Dinas Perhubungan (Dishub) Kota Pekalongan, setelah diberlakukannya tarif tol terjadi kepadatan kendaraan atau arus lalu lintas meningkat hingga 70 persen.
Peningkatan itu ditinjau dari jumlah rata-rata kendaraan barang (truk) yang melintasi jalur Pantura Kota Pekalongan di tiap jam.
Sebelum diberlakukan tarif tol, sekitar 200 truk melintas di Jalan Pantura Kota Pekalongan setiap jamnya.
“Namun setelah diberlakukan ada peningkatan kendaraan yang melintas, perkiraan 300 hingga 400 truk melintas setiap jamnya,” kata Kabid Lalu Lintas Dishub Kota Pekalongan Restu Hidayat
Peningkatan truk juga diungkapkan KBO Lantas Polres Pekalongan Kota Ipda Eko Yuli.
“Sebelum diberlakukannya tarif tol lalu lintas di Jalan Pantura Kota Pekalongan lancar dan sepi. Namun setelah ditetapkan banyak pengemudi truk beralih ke jalur reguler ini,” imbuhnya.
Hasan, salah seorang sopir truk yang rutin melintasi jalur itu juga mengeluhkan tarif tol yang meningkat drastis. "Hitunganya seperti ini, Semarang ke Jakarta hanya untuk tarif jalan tol untuk kendaraan golongan I mencapai Rp 334 ribu, kalau kendaraan berat maksimal dua kali golongan I," katanya.
Dia mengaku hanya akan mengantongi uang sisa sebesar Rp 400 ribu untuk dibawa ke rumah. Itu pun belum termasuk hitungan untuk jembatan timbang di Batang, roda bocor atau pun persoalan teknis lainnya di jalanan.
Hal tersebut disebuntnya hanya makin memiskinkan orang yang hidupnya susah. "Itu lewat pantura sisa segitu. Kalau lewat tol, uangnya tidak bersisa. Mau makan apa keluarga kami," keluhnya. (bs)
Author : Muhammad Nursam

Some Extra Effort Gets You Cheap Car Insurance It is essential for most of us to live within a budget. We are always looking for ways to save money. One of the areas to save money is insurance. It is illegal to drive without car insurance. Having this insurance is essential but it is an expensive that is going to be with you for as long as you drive. For most of us, car insurance is an expense we pay every month for many years. Over thirty years or more, car insurance adds up to a large sum of money. It is up to you to get the best deal you can. It is possible to find cheap car insurance. The large insurance companies do have special offers to attract new clients. If such a special deal suits your situation and you want to change your present insurance provider, this is a cost effective way to do go about it. If you want to find insurance that is cheap you must understand how you are perceived by an insurance company. Every driver who approaches an insurer for cover is regarded as a risk. The more of a risk you are the more you are going to pay for insurance. It is very important to let the insurance company know all your good qualities as a driver. Make a point of telling them you have a good driving history. If you have never been involved in an accident let them know. If you never, or very rarely, get speeding a ticket tell them. Insurance companies want clients who never claim for damages and theft. The more you can convince them with proof you are low risk, the lower your monthly premium will be. Cheap car insurance need not be the result of insufficient coverage. You can get cheap insurance because you are a responsible driver. If you are a safe driver who never has to claim make sure you have a policy that gives you a bonus after a stipulated time period as a reward. Usually this takes place approximately every four years. This is a means of encouraging irresponsible drivers to be more careful. The other factor that is on your side is the insurance industry is highly competitive. There is a good chance your monthly insurance premium will be lowered if you insist. If you have a good driving record it should be taken into account. Statistics prove women drivers are hardly ever involved in accidents. This is because in general they don't take risks. If you are a woman driver with a good driving history you should be given a low monthly premium. On the other hand, if you are a young driver with no driving record it will be almost impossible to find car insurance that is cheap. It is obvious that to get cheap car insurance you must be prepared to go the extra mile. Prove you are a careful and reliable driver. Usually, insurance companies expect you to provide them with all the relevant information.

Sempat Berhubungan Intim 3 Kali. JAM Minta Selingkuhannya Gorok Sang Suami Saat Tertidur Pulas

TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM - JAM (30) dan MA (34) berselingkuh. Pasangan haram itu merencanakan membunuh Jazuli Ismail (34), suami JAM.
Eksekusi dilakukan MA, leher Jazuli digorok saat ia tengah tertidur lelap, 14 September 2018 lalu.
JAM dan MA sendiri ditangkap di tempat terpisah, Rabu (23/1/2019) lalu.
MA ditangkap di Kelurahan Bagan Deli, Kecamatan Medan Belawan, Sumatera Utara. Sedangkan JAM diamankan di Banda Aceh.
Ide pembunuhan muncul dari JAM. Ia meminta A untuk membunuh Jazuli.
Tujuannya, agar hubungan terlarang mereka bisa langgeng. JAM sendiri sudah memiliki seorang putri dari Jazuli, seorang pedagang es campur.
Berikut ini fakta di balik kisah di Aceh:
1. Jazuli dibantai saat tidur di kamar Pembunuhan.
JAM gelap mata dan buta hati ketika merencanakan untuk membunuh suaminya sendiri, Jazuli Ismail.
Pada tanggal 14 September 2018 dini hari, JAM menghubungi MA untuk datang ke rumah.
Saat itu Jazuli tengah tertidur di kamar. Tanpa pikir panjang, MA pun segera menghabisi nyawa Jazuli yang tengah tertidur lelap dengan sebilah parang.
Saat itu, JAM pun berdiri disamping selingkuhannya itu. “Istri korban, Jam ini, diduga sebagai yang merencanakan pembunuhan. Sedangkan pelakunya pacarnya sendiri,” kata Kasat Reskrim Polres Aceh Utara Iptu Rezki Kholiddiansyah.
2. Istri korban berpura-pura tak tahu aksi pembunuhan
JAM sempat mencoba mengelabui petugas dengan mengaku hanya mendengar suara sepeda motor melaju kencang dari depan rumahnya dan melihat suaminya telah bersimbah darah di kamar.
Namun demikian, setelah mendalami keterangan JAM, akhirnya polisi mengungkap bahwa JAM sendiri yang diduga merencanakan pembunuhan Jazuli.
“Awalnya, istri korban mengaku terkejut saat mendengar suara kendaraan roda dua kabur dari rumahnya. Setelah itu dia melihat suaminya sudah tewas di tempat tidur dengan leher digorok, kita dalami semua keterangan, hingga kita simpulkan istrinya turut terlibat karena ingin memiliki hubungan dengan pelaku pembunuhan,” kata Iptu Rezki.
3. JAM ingin segera menikah dengan MA
Jam (30) dan MA (34) mengaku memiliki hubungan cinta mendalam sejak tahun 2018.
Kisah pertemuan Jam dan MA berawal dari perkenalan lewat media sosial.
Setelah itu, hubungan mereka meningkat pada taraf saling jatuh cinta.
Tidak mau cinta terlarang mereka pupus, JAM dan MA akhirnya memutuskan untuk membunuh Jazuli.
Setelah itu, mereka akan tinggal di rumah Jazuli sebagai suami istri.
Kedua pasangan selingkuh itu sadar bila menggugat cerai, mereka harus mencari tempat tinggal untuk hidup bersama.
Kasat Reskrim Iptu Rezki Kholiddiansyah menyebutkan hasil interogasi menyebutkan, keduanya sudah berhubungan intim sebanyak tiga kali.
“Jadi hubungan percintaan mereka ini sudah jauh banget,” kata Rezki.
4. Mengaku Menyesal
Pengakuan JAM dan MA di hadapan polisi “Kami menyesal,” kata MA, setelah tertangkap dan menjalani pemeriksaan di Mapolres Aceh Utara.
JAM mengaku kerap curhat dengan MA, atas perilaku Jazuli yang sering marah-marah.
“Tapi akhirnya begini, saya sangat menyesal,” kata perempuan yang memilki putri satu itu.
Polisi juga menjelaskan, penyelidikan sempat terhambat karena MA sempat melarikan diri usai membunuh Jazuli.
“Setelah membunuh, AM melarikan diri. Karena itu pula agak terkendala penyelidikan itu,” kata Iptu Rezki.
5. Pelaku terancam penjara seumur hidup
Polisi menangkap MA di Medan dan JAM tertangkap saat berada Banda Aceh. Polisi juga mengamankan sejumlah barang bukti.
"Barang bukti yang kami punya, sebilah parang yang digunakan untuk membunuh, satu ponsel dan satu unit sepeda motor Honda Scoopy,” terangnya.
Pasangan itu kini diancam dengan pasal 360 jo pasal 338 jo pasal 55 KUHPIdana dengan ancaman minimal 15 tahun penjara dan maksimal hukuman seumur
Rasa sesal JAM kini tak ada arti. Ia harus mempertanggungjawabkan tindakan kejinya bersama sang kekasih. (*)

What is the Best Low Cost Car Insurance Plan For Me? A car is probably one of the most costly investments that a person makes in his or her lifetime. Possibly second only to purchasing your own home or establishing your own small business, the costs involved in the purchase of a car, not to mention the expense of repairs, maintenance and accessorizing can be quite considerable indeed. So much more than a luxury though, a car is almost a basic necessity in this present day and age and the purchase of one would be a fully justifiable expense that would pay for itself many times over in the long run. It stands to reason therefore that the people who have taken it upon themselves to make this substantial investment would logically find the ways and means to protect this investment. One of the best ways to do that of course is by signing up for any one of the many car insurance plans available in the market today. Of course this pursuit is not without its own set of difficulties, as the sheer number of insurance packages out there will likely make your head spin. If you have any doubts at all as to the veracity of this statement, feel free to type in the words ""car insurance"" in your Google search engine box and behold the tons of listings that it will call up. This may be a welcome bit of news to you, as you would probably think that with so many options available, it should be a cinch to find one that is prefect for you right? Well it is not quite that simple. Many insurance packages, while seemingly offering numerous benefits to car owners will often add on one or more surcharges that you quite frankly did not expect to pay for at all. The costs involved would be significantly higher if you enlist the help of an insurance agent or insurance company to ""help"" you set-up up your auto insurance policy. In these instances the costs could balloon even higher; up to 50% more than what you should be paying. The Low Cost Car Insurance Guide, which can be found at provides one way out of this potential trap. This helpful guide can potentially save you up to several thousands of dollars on your car insurance payments every year. Not only that, it can provide you with these tremendously helpful savings for as long as you are able to drive. The guide is comprised of 12 very simple to understand and highly effective formulas that enable you to take advantage of low cost car insurance plans at the best possible rates. This is truly a staggering realization and one that is made all the more significant given the fact that more than 96% of Americans actually pay way too much for their insurance plans every year. With the help of this plan you stand to make over 67% in total savings for the rest of your life.

Survei: Apakah Masyarakat Puas dengan Pemerintahan Jokowi? Ini Hasilnya

Low Cost Auto Insurance For Young Drivers - Slash the Cost of Your Car Insurance Let's face it, if it was not for the fact that to even operate a motor vehicle in the US required there to be a minimum amount of insurance on the vehicle, many of us would most likely drive around without it. Sounds great right? Just think of the hundreds if not thousands of dollars you would save every year. But driving without insurance, especially these days is tempting fate and this is why you need to get low cost auto insurance for young drivers. The alternative is quite a bit more expensive. Even for a minor repair the cost of car insurance may quickly become a drop in the bucket. But realize that even though having insurance on a vehicle is necessary it does not mean you have to go to the first company you see and accept their offer. Like many things in life you have the option to shop around and get a price that is better suited for your personal budget if you want to find low cost auto insurance for young drivers. Now, it's no surprise that auto insurance companies all use pretty much the same tactic either in real life or online, they lure you in with the promise of low cost insurance which sounds good because who is not trying to save money these days. But without shopping around let alone some serious policy comparisons as well as understanding completely what you are getting into can leave you with a small price tag, but a big gaping hole in your insurance coverage you will never notice until you need to make a claim and then it is too late. As with any contract you need to make sure you look over the fine print. It may seem like a good deal, but your auto insurance may have restriction that make you go to certain mechanics to get your car fixed after a accident or that you will be made responsible to pay for a rental car while your vehicle is in the shop and you need to look at this when looking for low cost auto insurance for young drivers. So, take your time and make sure that shopping around for price isn't the only thing your looking at comparing. Also comparing the items that your insurance covers will not only make you a well informed consumer, but will give you the best deal for your own personal needs as a well insured driver. By comparing policies and prices you can save up to half on the cost of your insurance cover and if you are a young driver this can add up to hundreds of dollars if not more. Get low cost auto insurance for young drivers by searching online and save money.

Menjelang Pilpres 2019 Menurut Survey Ternyata Kepuasan Pada Jokowi Begini

Choosing Between Cheap Auto Insurance Quotes - Powerful Tips Buying car insurance is now more convenient than ever. You will get a selection of great offers in no time without any hassle. You simply need to go online, pick a company that can present you with cheap auto insurance quotes, get these and decide which deal is best for you. The procedure is quick and easy except for the last part. You really have to analyze carefully each offer. It is true that this evaluation is time consuming. You will also have to devote lots of effort to the research. But it is best to do it now rather than pick the first offer and sign a contract. It has been statistically proven that this strategy results in higher car insurance costs almost all the time. So, your best bet is to be smart when buying instead of trying to bargain with the insurer once you have made the deal. No matter how appealing the rates of the cheap auto insurance quotes may be, this should not fool you. No one will sell you a product for less than its actual value. Thus, you have to analyze carefully not only the price of the policy, but also its features. The most important ones are the types of coverage that you will get in the plan. It is a must for the standard ones such as property damage and bodily injury liability to be included. But you might also consider buying insurance that will protect you and your property in case of an accident. The collision coverage is a fine choice. The same applies to the uninsured or underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage. It is best to pay slightly more, but get a more comprehensive package so that you have substantial financial backup in case of a road accident. The limits of each coverage type are also important. They should be checked carefully. You do not need to go for one of the very cheap auto insurance quotes if it does not offer large enough limits. If you buy an inexpensive policy you will surely pay a small premium, but in case of an accident you will have to incur very large costs. You will have to pay the expenses directly out of your pocket. Thus, it will turn out that you have invested in an insurance policy for nothing. It is essential that you do not go for the cheapest deal if it is not going to cover your financial needs optimally in case of an accident. When choosing between the different cheap auto insurance quotes you should pay great attention to the insurers they are coming from. The rating of the company is a really important factor. It determines its financial credibility. You can expect the insurance firms with better ratings to pay the sums they owe you timely and adequately. It is essential that you learn more about the customer support service the companies offer. You will want to get the financial coverage quickly and easily in case of an accident. So, looking at some independent reviews is definitely a good idea.

Hadeeuuhh, Dibangun Jokowi, Warga Teluk Bintuni Malah Dukung Prabowo

AKURAT.CO, Pemerintahan Joko Widodo terus memacu membangun kawasan Papua. Salah satu yang menjadi fokus pembangunan adalah Kawasan Industri Teluk Bintuni.
Dimana kawasan ini akan dijadikan daerah pengembangan industri petrokimia. Ironisnya masyarakat sekitar malah mendukung Prabowo untuk jadi presiden.
Hal ini dikuatkan dengan kedatangan Masyarakat Papua Barat yang tergabung dalam 7 suku Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni, ke Kantor Badan Pemenangan Nasional (BPN) Prabowo-Sandi di Jalan Kertanegara No 6, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat (25/1/2019) .
Edward Kambia, Ketua tim 7 suku Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni mengatakan, kunjungannya ke kantor BPN untuk memberikan dukungan kepada pasangan Calon Presiden dan Calon Wakil Presiden nomor urut 02 Prabowo Subianto- Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno pada Pilpres 2019.
"Kehadiran kami kesini untuk memperjuangkan Pak Prabowo agar menjadi Presiden Republik Indonesia dan melihat secara langsung melihat kami orang Papua yang tidak terbangun secara baik," ungkap Edward di Kantor BPN Prabowo-Sandi di Jalan Kertanegara No 6, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Jumat malam.
Edward menjelaskan masyarakat Papua dan Papua Barat menginginkan adanya perubahan dalam sisi kehidupan yang sejahtera.
Karena itu, mereka berharap agar Capres Prabowo Subianto bisa datang dan bertemu masyarakat Papua dan Papua Barat secara langsung.
"Kami merindukan beliau untuk turun langsung ke Papua Barat untuk menyatakan diri untuk membangun masyarakat Papua dan Papua Barat. Masyarakat Papua khususnya masyarakat Papua Barat merindukan perubahan. Dan Pak Prabowo yang bisa memberikan perubahan," ujarnya.
Kehadiran masyarakat Papua Barat yang tergabung dalam tim 7 suku Kabupaten Teluk Bintuni itu juga diterima langsung oleh Ketua BPN Prabowo-Sandi, Djoko Santoso.
Djoko mengungkapkan rasa terimakasihnya atas dukungan yang diberikan oleh masyarakat Papua dan Papua Barat untuk kemenangan Prabowo Subianto dan Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno di Pilpres 2019 mendatang.
"Terimakasih atas dukungannya, kami akan sampaikan langsung kepada Pak Prabowo. Semua yang menjadi harapan bapak-bapak semua akan kami sampaikan langsung ke pak Prabowo," kata Djoko sembari mengenakan topi burung cendrawasih khas masyarakat Papua dan Papua Barat.[]

Buying Car Insurance Coverage For Safe Drivers Car insurance companies tend to reward drivers who have no claims record for an extended period of time. So if you are a safe driver, you may be qualified for a very special rate. All you have to do is compare quotes from several motor insurers and you will discover how cheap your car insurance can get. Auto insurance companies reward safe drivers because they do not claim from any insurer. As such, they do not contribute to the increase in the claims ratio. This keeps the insurers in the black. Essentially, whatever premiums you pay will be the insurer's profit. And since they do not associate you with high costs, they are able to lower their premium to attract more customers like yourself. One of the most important activities when buying car insurance is to understand what is covered. You have to make sure that insurers are offering you a low premium not because they are giving you a restricted cover. Otherwise you will not have the protection you want. This is the first important step. Even though you may be a safe driver, this does not mean the premiums will be low for every insurer. Some insurers do not have the ability to sift out the wheat from the chaff. For this reason, you may still get a few high-priced quotes every now and then. Yet in general, you will only have to pay a fraction of what others have to. This is simply because you have kept a good track record for yourself. In order to maintain this track record, you have to make sure that you do not make unnecessary claims. For many insurers, they are able to check if you have made any claims in the past 3 years. They are also able to find out how much you have claimed and what type of damages were involved during the accident. If you make small claims, your premiums will increase. This is because there will be a loading imposed on you. On top of this, your no claim discount will almost always drop drastically. This only means you have to pay extra in premiums for the next 3 years to come. The more claims you make, the higher the loading. And car insurance premiums can get so high it astounds you. Therefore you should only make necessary claims that are more than a few thousand dollars in value. Finally, if you have been living overseas for a period of time, many insurers can also recognize your overseas no claims discount record. This is provided the overseas insurer can provide a written notice concerning your no claims discount.

Gempar! Ribuan Warga Garut Terang-Terangan Nyatakan Siap Menangkan Pasangan Ini Di Pilpres

Keberuntungan berpihak pada pasangan nomor urut 02, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Salahudin Uno. Ribuan warga Garut dalam deklarasi dukungan menyatakan siap memenangkan pasangan tersebut pada pilpres 2019.
Deklarasi diadakan di Alun-Alun Limbangan, Garut.
Tampak beberapa anggota BPN menghadiri kegiatan tersebut, seperti musisi Ahmad Dhani dan Wakil Ketua DPR Fadli Zon.
“Optimis dukungan Prabowo akan jadi semakin besar di Garut dan Priangan Timur,” kata Fadli, seperti yang dilansir di (25/01/19). (deklarasi dukungan warga Garut di Alun-Alun Limbungan)
Fadli menargetkan suara 75 persen untuk Prabowo-Sandiaga diraih di Garut. Mengingat, pada pilpres 2014 silam capres junjungannya mendapatkan suara 72 persen di sana.
“Minimal itu 75 persen bisa diraih di sini. Garut khususnya Limbangan itu tempat bersejarah. Banyak ulama besar berasal dari sini,” terangnya, seperti yang dilansir di (25/01/19).
Fadli Zon komentari Tabloid Indonesia Barokah (deklarasi dukungan warga Garut di Alun-Alun Limbangan)
Di samping itu, Fadli juga mengomentari soal beredarnya Tabloid Indonesia Barokah yang diduga merugikan pasangan Prabowo-Sandiaga. Dia meminta aparat penegak hukum mengusut tuntas penyebaran tabloid tersebut.
“Aparat penegak hukum harus bertindak secara adil. Jangan diskriminatif dan jangan tebang pilih. Jangan karena dianggap musuh pemerintah tidak ditanggapi. Mohon ditegakkan seadilnya,” tegas Fadli, seperti yang dilansir di (25/01/19).
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Car Insurance For Students - How to Bring Down the Price Car insurance for students does not need to be expensive because discounts are available which will greatly reduce the price. Read this and learn how you can easily reduce the cost of automobile insurance if you are a student in high school or college. In most cases people under the age of 25 years are going to be charged more money for auto insurance because insurance companies believe that there is more risk involved. The cost of insurance is determined by the risk involved and it is a known fact that young people have more accidents than people in the age group of 50 to 65, which are the safest group of drivers. There are however, some ways to bring down the price. Get good grades. Students who maintain a B average will enjoy a 10% discount on their automobile insurance. Maintain a good driving record by obeying all of the laws, especially speed limits. If you are a student and you get a speeding ticket, you can be sure your insurance premiums are going to go up in price. Take drivers education. Most high schools offer this class and many times you can also get in car experience with a driving instructor. Not only does this class lower the cost of your insurance but you also get credits toward graduation. Stay on your parents insurance policy. If you are driving a car that is registered to your parents you can do this and your insurance will be significantly less money than if you own your own car and get your own insurance policy. Maintain a good credit score. It is important for young people to begin to establish credit because insurance companies will check credit reports and if you have a good score your insurance will be less money. Car insurance for students can be less money if you apply some of these discounts and keep your grades high, your credit score high and maintain a good driving record.