Gempar! Ribuan Warga Garut Terang-Terangan Nyatakan Siap Menangkan Pasangan Ini Di Pilpres

Keberuntungan berpihak pada pasangan nomor urut 02, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Salahudin Uno. Ribuan warga Garut dalam deklarasi dukungan menyatakan siap memenangkan pasangan tersebut pada pilpres 2019.
Deklarasi diadakan di Alun-Alun Limbangan, Garut.
Tampak beberapa anggota BPN menghadiri kegiatan tersebut, seperti musisi Ahmad Dhani dan Wakil Ketua DPR Fadli Zon.
“Optimis dukungan Prabowo akan jadi semakin besar di Garut dan Priangan Timur,” kata Fadli, seperti yang dilansir di (25/01/19). (deklarasi dukungan warga Garut di Alun-Alun Limbungan)
Fadli menargetkan suara 75 persen untuk Prabowo-Sandiaga diraih di Garut. Mengingat, pada pilpres 2014 silam capres junjungannya mendapatkan suara 72 persen di sana.
“Minimal itu 75 persen bisa diraih di sini. Garut khususnya Limbangan itu tempat bersejarah. Banyak ulama besar berasal dari sini,” terangnya, seperti yang dilansir di (25/01/19).
Fadli Zon komentari Tabloid Indonesia Barokah (deklarasi dukungan warga Garut di Alun-Alun Limbangan)
Di samping itu, Fadli juga mengomentari soal beredarnya Tabloid Indonesia Barokah yang diduga merugikan pasangan Prabowo-Sandiaga. Dia meminta aparat penegak hukum mengusut tuntas penyebaran tabloid tersebut.
“Aparat penegak hukum harus bertindak secara adil. Jangan diskriminatif dan jangan tebang pilih. Jangan karena dianggap musuh pemerintah tidak ditanggapi. Mohon ditegakkan seadilnya,” tegas Fadli, seperti yang dilansir di (25/01/19).
Bagaimana pendapat Anda? Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat untuk Anda.

Car Insurance For Students - How to Bring Down the Price Car insurance for students does not need to be expensive because discounts are available which will greatly reduce the price. Read this and learn how you can easily reduce the cost of automobile insurance if you are a student in high school or college. In most cases people under the age of 25 years are going to be charged more money for auto insurance because insurance companies believe that there is more risk involved. The cost of insurance is determined by the risk involved and it is a known fact that young people have more accidents than people in the age group of 50 to 65, which are the safest group of drivers. There are however, some ways to bring down the price. Get good grades. Students who maintain a B average will enjoy a 10% discount on their automobile insurance. Maintain a good driving record by obeying all of the laws, especially speed limits. If you are a student and you get a speeding ticket, you can be sure your insurance premiums are going to go up in price. Take drivers education. Most high schools offer this class and many times you can also get in car experience with a driving instructor. Not only does this class lower the cost of your insurance but you also get credits toward graduation. Stay on your parents insurance policy. If you are driving a car that is registered to your parents you can do this and your insurance will be significantly less money than if you own your own car and get your own insurance policy. Maintain a good credit score. It is important for young people to begin to establish credit because insurance companies will check credit reports and if you have a good score your insurance will be less money. Car insurance for students can be less money if you apply some of these discounts and keep your grades high, your credit score high and maintain a good driving record.
