OPM Siap-Siap Hancur! Anggotanya Ditangkap, Lokasi Persembunyian Komandan OPM Terbongkar!

Perburuan terhadap Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM) sedang gencar-gencarnya dilakukan oleh aparat keamanan di Papua. Hal ini merupakan buntut atas peristiwa penembakan sadis terhadap belasan warga sipil yang membangun jalan trans Papua serta penyerangan terhadap pasukan TNI yang menyebabkan seorang prajurit tewas beberapa saat yang lalu.
Upaya aparat dalam perburuan ini mulai membuahkan hasil dengan tertangkapnya seorang anggota OPM pada (21/1/2019) sekitar pukul 15.00 WIT di di Jembatan Kembar Distrik Yambi, Kabupaten Puncak Jaya, Papua. Proses penangkapan berjalan cukup tegang karena anggota OPM ini tak begitu saja menuruti perintah aparat dan sempat melakukan perlawanan.

Anggota OPM (sumber: http://www.kabartoday.co.id)
Peristiwa ini berawal pada saat Pasukan Brimob yang di pimpinan Iptu Rusdin Hutabarat melaksanakan razia di Jembatan Kembar Distrik Yambi setelah menerima informasi akan adanya pengiriman senjata dan munisi ke KKSB di Yambi kab. Puncak Jaya. Informasi tersebut terbukti benar dan tak lama berselang nampak dua orang boncengan mengendarai Yamaha Vixion bergelagat mencurigakan.
Aparat kemudian berusaha menghentikan kendaraan tersebut namun mendapatkan perlawanan dari pelaku. Sontak saja tindakan tersebut memicu respon keras dari aparat yang kemudian langsung menodongkan senjata ke arah pelaku. Pelaku kemudian pasrah dan setelah dilakukan penggeledahan, ditemukan 1 buah senjata pistol Revolver rakitan dengan 2 butir munisi yang telah terisi di dalam senjata dan 2 butir lagi tersimpan di dalam jaket tersangka.

Pasukan Brimob (sumber: http://medan.tribunnews.com)
Tak hanya itu saja, dalam ponsel milik tersangka juga ditemukan beberapa foto yang menunjukkan tersangka sedang menenteng senjata serbu AK-47 dan beberapa orang lainnya yang juga membawa senjata serta bendera OPM. Beberapa bukti ini telah mengindikasikan bahwa kuat dugaan tersangka adalah anggota OPM. Sementara terhadap satu orang yang dibonceng, aparat tak menemukan barang-barang yang mencurigakan.
Dari hasil interogasi aparat, tersangka akirnya mengakui bahwa dirinya memang anggota OPM Pos Yambi yang dipimpin oleh Lekagak Telenggen. Dirinya bahkan mengakui bahwa Lekagak Telenggen memegang Senjata 1 pucuk AK- 47 dan 1 pucuk AK – Cina, sedangkan Leri Mayu Telenggen memegang 1 pucuk senjata SS-1 dan 1 pucuk pistol rakitan. Aparat juga berhasil mengumpulkan informasi bahwa saat ini kelompok Lekagak Telenggen melarikan diri ke arah Kampung Tirineri.
Penangkapan terhadap salah satu anggota OPM ini merupakan hal penting dan sumber informasi berharga dalam mengungkap lokasi persembunyian kelompok ini. Aparat harus mampu menggunakannya dengan baik informasi ini untuk merancang strategi penyergapan sekaligus menangkap serta membabat habis kelompok kriminal yang sudah meresahkan masyarakat Papua sejak lama ini! kamu setuju?


Take These Factors Into Account When Looking For Cheap Car Insurance If your car insurance is ready for renewing or it is the first time you are taking out car insurance then you will want to ensure that you get the best deal on your insurance. However if you live in Northern Ireland and are looking for cover then you can run across a brick wall when filling in your online form to take out that ""great deal"". Many insurance companies still shy away from insuring drivers if the live in NI even though the times of unrest seen many years ago have cleared up. However there are specialist websites that allow you to search for insurance companies that do not except you from cover. There are also many factors you can take into account when looking for cheap car insurance Northern Ireland. One of the many ways that you could get cheap car insurance Northern Ireland is offering to pay more for the excess on your car insurance policy. Excess is added in by all insurance companies and this is what you have to pay out in the event that you were to have to make a claim on the policy. They will all state a minimum amount and this could vary depending on the provider, however you could offer to pay more and by doing so you could keep down the insurance premiums. However when taking this option to make savings you would have to bear in mind that if you do have to claim you would need to find this money out of your own pocket as a cash lump sum. Bear in mind also that if you do have to make more than a single claim in the same year you could lose out on the savings that you make through the premiums. The security of your car plays a huge part in how much your insurance premiums would be each month. For instance if you park your car overnight in a locked garage then it will be seen as being safer than if it were parked on the side of the road where it would be at risk of being vandalized, stolen or being hit accidentally by other passing vehicles. You could also install security devices and this could help to keep down the cost of your monthly insurance. For instance, if you were to buy and install an alarm, a tracking device or an immobilizer then you could also make savings on your insurance. If you cannot park under lock and key in a garage then parking on a driveway under a carport will keep your car away from the road and the elements and you could cut some off the cost of your car insurance. Any cheap car insurance Northern Ireland policy would come with limits and exclusions as to what would be covered for so you do have to go over these before taking out the insurance. For example it could state in the policy that you would have to pay out an extra amount of excess for windscreen replacements and this would be in addition to the excess you always have to pay if you should have to make a claim.
